Thursday, January 16, 2025

Leviticus 21

 An interesting note here is that the commands given here are to the "priest the sons of Aaron." In other places in the Pentateuch, they are referred to as “the sons of Aaron the priests.” What is going on why the change and what is God saying. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers says that the reason this is said the way it is to remind the priest that it isn't by their merit that they got to become priests it was through because of who they are related to. In many places including America, the idea that being born into a family gives you privileged status sounds wrong. Normally I would agree, however, when we consider that ultimately what is being seen here is a picture of Jesus and the church it makes perfect sense. Christians don't become part of God's family and God's priesthood due to their own merit. We can not do anything to deserve it. Jesus can and did. It is because of our relationship with him, that Christians can become what John says "a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father." 

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Mark 2

 Here again are my rough (very rough) notes for my message on this passage.  

Sin, Forgiveness, and Healing

  Mark 2:1-12

In the Bible, there are several words translated Sin. Each one covers a different aspect of how we do things that are destructive to ourselves and disobedient to God.

The word used in the passage we are looking at today carries the idea of missing the mark. Like if someone is shooting for a target and hitting something else.

Sin - Missing the Mark

Some may want to say what does it matter if we aren’t exactly right as long as we were trying hard. That’s what matters isn’t it, our good intentions?

However, if someone misses the mark with their shotgun and blow out the tire of your car are you okay that they missed the mark?

What if a surgeon misses the mark and takes off the wrong leg or doesn’t get all the cancer?

When the Apollo 13 spacecraft had an explosion and the craft was disabled and the flight controllers had to find a way to get the astronauts home. The makes of the Movie summarizes what Gene Krantz NASA’s Director of Flight operations as saying “Failure is not an Option.”

Missing the mark not being where God wants us to be is just as fatal as if the people at Mission Control missed the mark with Apollo 13.  

When we begin looking at Mark chapter 2 we see that the crowds are still there blocking any entry to the house.

We see no evidence that anyone looked back and saw these people with their burden willing to move out of the way.

Here again people are hindering others from getting to Jesus.

The friends aren’t to be dissuaded.

Side not here: We need to be thankful for friends that are willing to do what they have to get people to Jesus.

The friends climb up on the roof and begin to tear through.

If we think of someone tearing through our houses today it would destroy it. But the construction of the day the roofs were made of sticks laid across the roof beams and then covered with mud that would dry and become like plaster.

After this was done the homeowners or I have to believe the guys who did it could lay the sticks back in place and re-mud it and it would be as good as new.

Jesus then does something that angered the teachers of the Law and may have made those who looked on question.

Jesus says, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Jesus literally said, “What has caused you to miss the make is gone.”

This was by all accounts blasphemous. The Jews believed only God could forgive and only God could make that kind of pronouncement.

Then it says Jesus knew in His spirit.

HOW? By the Holy Spirit.

So Jesus poses a rhetorical question? Which is easier or the word could also be translated better. To offer forgiveness or to do a miracle?

The answer is neither is easier or better in human strength and wisdom.

We can’t grant forgiveness for God and neither do we know what is best.

Only God can do these things. Only God can cleanse the unclean.

I want to pause a second and look at the other way this Greek word can be used. With is well or better. Because I think Jesus is asking both. Which is easier and which is better.

We think we know what is easier and better in our lives and in the lives of others. The truth is we don’t.

Jesus told his disciples it is better to be maimed in this life and make it to heaven (Matthew 18:2-9). Scholars agree that Jesus isn’t saying we should physically hurt ourselves but that we need to realize that getting to heaven is worth more than any comfort we could have on earth.

You may think that ease you want in this life is what you need but Jesus knows that the ease you need is something longer lasting.

It’s easy not to diet but what really makes life easier?

It’s easier to give into your fleshly desires but is it easier or better in the long run? No.

What is best for this man?

Jesus knows but

Jesus then says, in order to prove I can forgive, I will do what is equally impossible for a mere man. He did the miracle.

Jesus is showing like we saw in the previous chapter that Jesus can make right what is broken, he can cleanse what is unclean.

Jesus can make things right and take us from a place where we have missed the mark to the place God want us to be.


Mark shows this again by what he tells us next about the calling of Levi(matthew).

Mark 2:13-17

Once again Jesus went out beside the lake. A large crowd came to him, and he began to teach them. As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him.

While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Jesus is showing not just that he can do miracles but that he can transform sinners.

The problem was that the teachers of the Law saw Jesus as missing the mark. They thought Jesus was where he shouldn’t be.

If you can’t help you shouldn’t be in a sick ward, if you’re there you have missed the mark. However, if you’re a doctor then that is exactly where you should be.

They couldn’t see Jesus as one that could forgive sin and transform people. They could not see him as a doctor.  

What doesn’t this teach us?

1.   That we should just hang out with sinners pretending they are saints.

2.   That we should participate in sin.

What does this teach us?

1.   Jesus came to bring forgiveness to bring people who have missed it and bring them back to God.

2.   Jesus knows who and what is correct.


Extra: Verses 18-22 They disciples of John and the Pharisees fasted because they were didn’t have something. Jesus was saying his disciples had what they needed.

 Photo by Rasmus Gerdin on Unsplash

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Psalm 42

 The psalmist says he wants God. The problem is that as you read the Psalm the psalmist feels as if God is far off. Things are not going the way they should be in his mind. I find this encouraging as it is a reminder that you and I aren't the only ones who have asked the question, "Where are you God?" or "Why is this happening?." The psalmist here has the same question and God allows the question to stand. God doesn't just allow the question, He puts it in the Bible. God isn't offended when we ask hard questions or say we don't understand. God does have a problem with people throwing accusations at him in hate or derision. God understands we don't see it all and allows us questions. Yet, at the end of the day, he still wants us to trust Him. 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Leviticus 20

 There are interesting differences in what the punishments are in the chapter. Yes. for some, it is very clear they are to die if they disobey. God is setting up a kingdom with Israel where He is to be king. Idolatry and spiritualism are in this time and in this nation, treason. Treason is punishable by death. Some acts of disobedience end in childlessness. Some acts call for the people to be cut off (separated from, ostracized) from the people of Israel. God's reasons are because if they act like the nations around them they will end up like the nations around them, conquered and driven off (verses 22-24 ). 

Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Leviticus 19

 There are a lot of laws in this chapter. Many of the laws here are repeats of what God has said before but I see many laws could be done and the person doing them could seem to get away with it, like swearing at a deaf person. They can't hear so it does not harm correct? Not according to God. God here as in the New Testament is concerned not just what we do but the motive of our heart. Let me explain part of it this way: yes, no one will know we did wrong, but when we do wrong, our hearts are damaged, leading to more problems if not dealt with. God has always been concerned not just with what we do but also our attitude of our heart. Thankfully, God gives us a way to have our attitudes, our heart, changed in Jesus.  

Photo by Mark Paton on Unsplash

Friday, January 10, 2025

Isaiah 52

In verse 15, God's servant will sprinkle many nations. The word sprinkle is the same word used for sprinkling blood on the altar in Leviticus. God's promise is that His servant, who we know will be Jesus, will sprinkle the blood of purification not only on Israel but on the nations of the world. Even those who have had no knowledge of God's promises to Israel will be able to know salvation the text goes on to say. This is a great promise to those who are not Jewish because it confirms God's plan was always for everyone not just one people group. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Leviticus 18


Here is the St. Charles (me) paraphrase. I don't care what the other people are doing it's going to end badly for them. Listen, DO NOT LIVE LIKE THEM! I'm God and I know better.

It is easy to look at those around you and conclude that everything is going great so why not try it. An episode on the old Twilight Zone called The Old Man in the Mountian gave a great picture of this and man's propensity to destroy oneself. People who feel they are depraved destroy the one thing that is keeping them alive as it is the thing that warns them of the things that are dangerous in a post-nuclear world. As a result of its destruction and the people ignoring the warnings, everyone dies. The one man who didn't participate sees this and he bemoans the death of everyone. in the closing credits In the closing credits says "Mr. Goldsmith, survivor. An eyewitness to man's imperfection. An observer of the very human trait of greed. And a chronicler of the last chapter—the one reading "suicide". Not a prediction of what is to be, just a projection of what could be. This has been - The Twilight Zone."1 

Man has tried to kill God but succeeds only in ignoring him and God's warning that the land itself will vomit them out. Nature revolts against man seeking unbridled pleasure. 


Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash