Friday, December 29, 2023

The Unknown God - Azi Areson (guest Blog)

Welcome everyone, for those of you who don’t know me I’m an average video game player with an above-average desire to write sermons and spread the good news of Christ our Lord and Savior. I am a flawed human like every one of you and wish for nothing more than to be continually worked into a new creature of God’s design. Those who know me call me kind, intelligent, and creative.
Now, it may seem to you that an introduction is an odd way to start this sermon, I agree. However, I want to make a point with this. You don’t know me, well you probably don’t anyway, the point is we are lucky to live in a day and age where we can know virtually anything we want. In the song “Welcome to the Internet” comedian Bo Burnham says, “Welcome to the internet, Have a look around, Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found, We've got mountains of content, Some better, some worse, If none of its of interest to you, you'd be the first.” Now this isn’t a recommendation of that song mind you, but rather to point out what we know as Christians that even secular media recognizes; the internet is a mixed bag of good, evil, and morally gray.
This relates back to my introduction like this, you could, now please don’t, but you could use the resources on the internet to learn nearly everything about me. Those pictures posted to Facebook from my time in high school tell you what school I went to, what friends I had, and that I was in the top portion of my grade academically. If you really wanted you could learn my search history and figure out how many times I had to Google Bible verses when writing this sermon. Or you could find my address and send harassing letters. Again, please don’t, but you could.
We live in an age when virtually everyone on the planet has access to the greatest well of knowledge in human history… and we use it to look at funny cat pictures. The glory of the internet, am I right?
Before the internet however, a time when audience members my age and younger weren’t even alive for, people had to do things the hard way and either find something out for themselves, guess, or deal with the fact that they just didn’t know.
That leads us to Acts chapter 17 of the NIV version, where it starts in verse number 22 and continues to 27, “22 Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. 23 For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you. 24 “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.”
So, what exactly is going on here? Paul is preaching to the people of Athens in their place of meeting, the Areopagus, and is talking to them about the altar they have to an unknown god. Now the people of Athens didn’t have a shortage of gods and goddesses, anyone who knows anything about Greek and Roman mythology knows that. The Greeks had gods for the weather, gods for death, gods for crops and plants, and they even had gods for every minute of the day! (Yes, I am serious about that.) And yet, they knew even with all their gods, that it wasn’t enough.
Athena, who mythology said built their city and gave the people the olive plant, wasn’t enough. Hades, who ruled the underworld, wasn’t enough. Hestia, who was the goddess of the hearth fire, wasn’t enough. None of them were enough. For every god or goddess they had, they still couldn’t fill the hole in their hearts that yearned for a connection with the divine. And so, they made an alter to the unknown god, in hopes of connecting with whatever it was they were missing.
How sad is that they felt so empty with all their false deities that they were willing to worship something unknown simply because it might be the thing that would be there for them, the thing that would comfort them, the thing that would be the one who would love them.
How lucky are we to know the God we worship? Sometimes in our day-to-day life, we get overwhelmed by everything around us, the noise is defining. There is always a new show to watch, a new book to read, a new song to listen to, a new technological marvel to learn about, the list goes on and on of the things that take our attention. And yet, there still is the God who loves us, who lets us learn more about Him through our relationship with Jesus.
We don’t have to hope that what we are doing will be good enough, because He’s already paid the price for us, for everyone who wants Him, He’s there. And the way you can learn about Him is the same way you can learn about me. You could use the internet to stalk me, or you could try being my friend.
We can learn about Jesus on paper, know every verse, go to church every Sunday, and do everything to look like the perfect Christian, but without a relationship with Him, it doesn’t matter. The pastor who spent 60 years preaching but never believed a word of it will go to Hell and the porn star who died at 25 in a car crash and had a deathbed conversion will go to Heaven. It doesn’t matter how good or bad you are, only what you do with Jesus.
Jesus is there, He wants to be your friend, He’s so desperate for your love that he was willing to die for you before you even were born. All you have to do is know Him, and reach out to Him, not like a distant thing to be speculated on and studied, but like a friend.
The Athenians didn’t know what they were worshiping, but we do, and we can have a relationship with our God that they could have only dreamed about before Paul came to tell them the good news. So, as you go about your business today, thank God that He has made Himself known to us.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Fourth Advent Reading

As we begin this fourth Sunday of Advent, we remember the world the Messiah was born into, was a world dominated by Rome. One which was anticipating e disruption of an imperial registration, a census, and the taxes that followed. Life was disrupted, chaos was the norm, there was no light in the darkness, and for many hope was gone. It would have seemed to those who walked those streets nothing good was coming. Much like our lives today, evil goes forth, radical change is the norm, nothing is certain, well except maybe death and taxes. Yet, for those who looked for hope, in an out of the way small town, the much anticipated Savor, the King of the world was lying in a manger.




In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration and was taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. All went to their own towns to be registered. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David. He went to be registered with Mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.



(Join us in Prayer)

Dear Father,

As we celebrate this fourth Sunday of Advent, we give you not the manger of our lives, or just a room in the inn, but our entire lives. We ask that you forgive us when we have only allowed you a small corner because we had no room for you. We now look forward with anticipation for the work of transformation you can and will do in our lives. You are being born in us anew this season. For this great gift of light and life, we thank you. In the name of the one who brings us light, Jesus. Amen  

Monday, December 18, 2023

Third Advent Reading

I heard the bells on Christmas day

Their old familiar carols play

And mild and sweet their songs repeat

Of peace on Earth, good will to men


… And in despair I bowed my head

"There is no peace on Earth, " I said

For hate is strong and mocks the song

Of peace on Earth, good will to men


Then rang the bells more loud and deep

God is not dead, nor doth He sleep

The wrong shall fail, the right prevail

With peace on Earth, good will to men


… And the bells, they're ringing

Like a choir they're singing

And with our hearts, we'll hear them

 Peace on Earth, good will to men


Do you hear the bells, they're ringing?

The light, the angels singing

Open up your heart and hear them

Peace on Earth, good will to men


(LIGHT CANDLES 1,2, & 3)

And in that region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. And the angel said to them, “Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!”

When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.” And they went with haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they saw it they made known the saying which had been told them concerning this child; and all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. But Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.




Dear Father,

As we face days of uncertainty and confusion, when we see days where it seems evil is prevailing, remind us O Lord to listen. God remind us, you bring peace to us, now. We can also look forward to the day you will bring peace to the world. Remind us to not be afraid. Remind us God, you save us and we can anticipate that you will meet our needs. Remind us God, to take your peace to our world around us. We ask this in the name of the prince of peace, Jesus. Amen!

Monday, December 11, 2023

Second Advent Reading

As we begin this second Sunday of Advent, we consider the anticipation of your servant Mary, this child from a rural community without fame or fortune. One who considers herself lowly, the yet one on whom your favor rests. Mary understood that those with might, wealth, and power would be brought low; everything they held on to would be lost. She knew because of God’s mercy, God would lift up the lowly, fill those who were hungry, and fulfill all His promises. Let us remember today, the God she rejoiced in, is our God. The God who will do more than we can ask or think.




And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord,

and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,

for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden.

For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed;

for he who is mighty has done great things for me,

and holy is his name.

And his mercy is on those who fear him

from generation to generation.

He has shown strength with his arm,

he has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts,

he has put down the mighty from their thrones,

and exalted those of low degree;

he has filled the hungry with good things,

and the rich he has sent empty away.

He has helped his servant Israel,

in remembrance of his mercy,

as he spoke to our fathers,

to Abraham and to his posterity for ever.”




Dear Father,

Remind us today that we can anticipate your good work in our lives. Remind us in this season and throughout our lives and that you are the God who saves us and lifts us up when we have fallen. Help us God also to remember those around us who feel forsaken, hungry, and lost. Remind us to share your goodness with them. God use us today to show mercy to those in need, just as you have shown your mercy to us. We ask this in the name of our merciful savior, Jesus. Amen !  

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Called To Violence?

Below is a guest post from my Daughter, Azi. 

    “War, war never changes.” This line introduces us as an audience to the world of Fallout. From the first Fallout, all the way to Fallout 76 this little nugget of wisdom has haunted the footsteps of the player through the post-apocalyptic world.

          For those unfamiliar Fallout was released in 1997 as a point-and-click role-playing game, or RPG for short. Fallout takes the classic Dungeons and Dragons-style RPG mechanics and adds an end-of-the-world twist.

You see in 2077 the world was at war again as resources like petroleum and uranium were scarce enough to cause China to take Alaska and for the U.S. to annex Canada. Everyone feared the day the bombs might fall and prayed that they wouldn’t like in the Cold War so many years before. This time, however, the bombs would fall. Those that survived lived thanks to the Vaults, giant bomb shelters made to keep life sustained during the unlivable amounts of radiation that flooded the Earth. Like Noah’s ark, these vaults held what remained of humanity safe until it was time to leave and reclaim the world above.

Now of all the Fallout games I’ve played, Fallout New Vegas has to be my favorite. New Vegas starts with a slide show explaining a little about the world you are about to find yourself in. You are a courier tasked with delivering a package, a single poker chip, to New Vegas.

The game then begins with a cut scene, a man in a black and white checkered suit looms over you as you kneel tied up before him. He says some condescending things about the game being ‘rigged from the start’ and then shoots you in the head. Twice. Yeah, you heard that right, the game begins with your character being shot twice in the head.

Miraculously you survive and wake up in a small town called Goodsprings thanks to a security robot named Victor who pulled you out of your shallow grave and to Doc Mitchel the man who pulled the bullets out of your skull. After the tutorial, the player is given the quest Ghost Town Gunfight.

The town of Goodsprings is currently hiding a man named Ringo who was part of a trading caravan that got ambushed by a group of escaped convicts going by the name of Powder Gangers. Joe Cobb is a leader of the Powder Gangers looking for Ringo, though he doesn’t do much other than threaten the townspeople that if he finds Ringo, that Ringo will shoot. He’s not wrong either as Ringo doesn’t plan on going down without a fight.

The player is introduced to the conflict by overhearing Joe Cobb threatening the town barkeeper. Cobb then runs off and we can talk to the barkeeper about what happened. She informs us of Ringo and his situation and how the people of the town wish Ringo would leave and take the Powder Gangers with him. You are then given the choice between following the game’s intended route and helping Ringo or going off the beaten path and helping the Powder Gangers.

If you choose to help Ringo, the morally correct choice I will add, he will ask you to get the help of the town’s sharpshooter, dynamite expert, doctor, barkeep, and store owner in helping with the Powder Gangers. The sharpshooter will help no matter what and with a high skill in explosives, medicine, speech, and barter, respectively, you’ll get the help of the others. When everyone is gathered you go tell Ringo the town is ready to help him and then the Powder Gangers show up in a force of about six to try and kill Ringo and anyone who stands in their way.

Now that I’ve gone and spoiled the first half hour of content for you, we’re going to change topics for a moment.

In Mathew 25 Jesus is telling parables, the last one in the chapter is referred to by the NIV Bible as The Sheep and the Goats. It goes like this.

 31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

Whenever you hear that parable talked about, I can nearly guarantee that it’s being mentioned in the context of giving to the needy. But why then did I introduce you to Ringo and Ghost Town Gunfight?

Sometimes in life, we are called to do things for God. For some of us that looks like giving money, or time to those who are in need. For others, it looks like praying for those who need God’s help. And I will add that we all need God’s help so this is arguably one of the more important ways we can help others.

But what about when you’re in a situation like the Courier from Fallout New Vegas. What does it mean to be called to violence for God?

John 15:13 of the NIV says, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” This is Jesus talking, the one who is so often quoted as saying to ‘turn the other cheek’. So, what is this? Well, like we should do whenever we have a question about scripture, let’s look for some context. In chapter 15 of John Jesus starts out with a parable, the vine and the branches.

In the parable, Jesus compares himself to a vine and says that unless a person is connected to the vine, aka Jesus, they cannot bear fruit, i.e. be the person God wants them to be. Jesus says that those who will not connect to him will be gathered up and burned like dead branches.

Now this sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Jesus is taking two groups in two different parables and dividing them. In the first parable, we talked about He is taking sheep and goats and separating the sheep, and in the second He is taking vines and separating the living and the dead. Both the sheep and the living vines are the people of God, those who see the needy and act as they would if it were Jesus who needed help. The second group, the goats and the dead branches are those who see the needy and do not act, they are those who are not the people of God.

In the next part of John 15 Jesus begins to talk about love and hate. He tells us not to worry if we are hated by the world, for the world also hated him, John 15:18. Yet when it comes to love he has this to say in verses 9-17 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other.”

Jesus says that there is no love greater than to die for one’s friends, and then calls us, that’s right us as believers, His friends. Even before His death, Jesus is telling us that He will die for us, as there is no greater love than the love He has for us. But he also says to love each other as we have been loved by Him. Jesus is telling us that for us to love like He loves us, we have to be willing to die for someone else.

Okay, you say, so I need to be willing to die for my friends like Jesus was willing to die for me, but what in the world does that have to do with Ringo and Ghost Town Gunfight? Why do you keep talking about your latest video game obsession in this post? And will you stop with the rhetorical questions? Firstly, no, I will not stop with rhetorical questions, thank you very much. Secondly, this all goes back to the question I asked earlier. What does it mean to be called to violence for God?

Well to answer that question I want to go back to the beginning, “War. War never changes.” The opening line from every Fallout game is back again to finally give some answers this time. War never changes, a truth that seems so hopelessly profound as to leave my mouth dry the first time, I heard it.

We know God is a God of peace, Mathew 5:9 says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” And in Romans 12:18, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” So, why is it that I say some of us are called to violence for God? War never changes, because, in truth, humanity never changes. As long as sin is in the picture, we are incapable of living at peace with our neighbor as God commands.

Let’s take a second look at those two verses, ‘children of God,’ a common expression used in the New Testament to refer to Christians. A child of God is someone who like in Mathew chapter 5, is a peacemaker yes, but also is poor in spirit, the mourners, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, and those who are persecuted. And then in Romans 12:17-21, it says, “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.”

So, being a good Christian means to live in peace, so how can I say that as Christians we can be called to violence? That goes back to human nature as it is against human nature to live at peace with one another and this is acknowledged by Romans 12:18 by saying, “as far as it depends on you,” instead of saying you must always live in peace with others.

Going back to Ringo, he is a victim of a crime, where the caravan he worked for was robbed. In that robbery, he defended himself by killing some of the convicts. He then sought shelter with the town of Goodsprings to try and see if the Powder Gangers would leave him be. Ringo has done nothing wrong and yet is in a position where, if not for the interference of the Courier and the people of Goodsprings, he will die.

As Christians, we are called to act when we see those in need, the hungry, thirsty, those without clothes or shelter, the sick, or the imprisoned. So, of course, that extends to those who need help to save their lives. When we see someone walking onto the train tracks when the train is coming, we don’t merely pray for their safety, do we? No, we run to them and pull them off the tracks. This is what it means to be called to violence for God, to do what needs to be done to preserve as many lives as possible.

In Ghost Town Gunfight depending on how good the player is and a good bit of random luck not only can the Powder Gangers be killed, the only way to stop them by the way, but so can Ringo and the people of the town who come to his aid. In this fight everyone is given the chance to show Ringo the ultimate act of love, to die for him.

Unlike shooter video games like Fallout, God doesn’t tell us to seek fights. He doesn’t lay out a path for us to be warriors of righteousness. Instead, He tells us to live in peace as best as we can. For some God calls us to die, but for some God calls us to kill. Not out of hate, vengeance, or even justice, but instead to save the lives of those whom they would harm. For no greater love, has a man than to die for his friends, because, until the end, war never changes.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Advent Candle First Sunday Reading

 When God chose a place for the anticipated Messiah, God didn’t choose a place of prestige or fame. God didn’t choose the ancient equivalent of New York, Washington D,C., or LA. God chose a place more like Selma, Parker City, or New Burlington.  God chose a place others would overlook. The Messiah, the person all of Israel was anticipating, would come from Bethlehem, a place of farmers and shepherds.




But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah,

are only a small village among all the people of Judah.

Yet a ruler of Israel,

whose origins are in the distant past,

will come from you on my behalf.

The people of Israel will be abandoned to their enemies

until the woman in labor gives birth.

Then at last his fellow countrymen

will return from exile to their own land.

And he will stand to lead his flock with the LORD’s strength,

in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God.

Then his people will live there undisturbed,

for he will be highly honored around the world.

And he will be the source of peace. Micah 5:2-5 NLT



Dear Father,

So often have we felt so small with so little to offer and our effort so feeble. Yet, as you promised Bethlehem, you promised something great to come forth from us when we allow you to be born into our lives. As we enter this season of Advent, let us look forward to the truth of your love. You will do much in and through us for this we thank you. In the name of our coming king, Jesus. Amen! 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Not the Study the connection

 I was talking to someone today who was asked to start a Bible Study for younger people. Evidently, the person had tried to find a Bible Study to join but it was either not Biblical or just filled with old people. At first, as someone who has more gray than he used to, I was slightly offended, but then I remembered in the past I chose not to go to a Bible Study not because of the material they were studying but because I didn't fit in. 

Church, Bible Study, and even Fellowship groups are composed of than people but relationships. The material studied is important but at the end of the day, it is people who you relate with and are, as it were, Jesus in our midst. It is relationships that draw people to God and help them stay. It is relationships that Jesus developed in his disciples. It is relationships which help us remain strong in our faith. So to encourage those relationships I wished the person God's best and encouraged them to follow through. 

Do I think that remaining only in your own type of people (young, old, etc.) is good? No, Jesus absolutely brought his disciples together from diverse backgrounds but for a time he did have them focus on people like them, Jews. However, it would grow and so I think these people will grow. Perhaps the Bible Study will always reflect who they are but I doubt they will stay only there when it comes to their lives or ministries. In other words, as long as they don't become exclusive and isolated this Bible Study might be the perfect place to develop relationships with people who are like them but push them to be more in Christ. 

At least this is my thought.  

Monday, November 20, 2023

Bible Reflections

A year ago in December, a group of us ended a four-year journey that covered every chapter of the Bible. It seemed a huge undertaking at the beginning and, at times, it seemed it would never end. However, in truth should a study of the Bible for the Christian ever end? No, but I'm moving away from my point. The point is that as every journey does it comes to an end. After a year of radical change, I'm beginning the journey again with a new group of people. As before I'm excited and now I have added some new details which for some should make the journey easier. At the end of the day, we will be reading, studying, and hopefully writing something down about every chapter of the Bible. 

There are of course books that are available on Amazon and the blog site that will publish every reading on the day it is to be read and a link so that those who want to can listen to the chapter of the Bible that will respond to that reading. As before these materials aren't professionally edited but I hope they will serve as an inspiration for others to really consider what every chapter of the Bible means to them. Yes, some chapters which will be clearer than others and some may only bring questions but those are good too. I'm sure that before I know it the second journey through Bible Reflections will be complete and I trust it will be even more rewarding. 

Consider joining us or find another application to help you grow in the Word. A warning, without the Spirit of God and His love guiding you any study of the Word will lead to pride and that is a dangerous thing. So cover your study with prayer and fill your heart with love as you begin any journey into the Word of God.

God Bless,

Pastor Charles Areson

Monday, November 13, 2023

Your hands are warm


I have been told many a time that my hands were warm. Usually, this happens when visiting people in the nursing home or hospital but also sometimes at church. I took it as a compliment occasionally repeating the old saying, "cold hands warm heart," leaving off the "dirty feet and no sweetheart" because that just isn't appropriate to say to someone's grandmother as it was usually an older woman who said it. I sometimes would comment that I hoped that having warm hands didn't mean I had a cold heart. Usually, the response was either a little laugh or "Oh of course not."

So why am I writing about that now? Well, because my hands are cold. Uncomfortably cold if I might complain a little. I know why older people have cold hands it is a sign that their circulation isn't working as well as it did. It happens to all of us and today it is a reminder to me that I am in fact very mortal. It is also a reminder that I could have turned the heat on in my office a couple of hours ago and didn't. 

Now to the point. Sometimes there are uncomfortable things that happen in our lives. There are times when they are big but often it is the multiple little things that wear us down. We can complain but that doesn't help. The truth is there are times when there is absolutely nothing we can do except appreciate that others aren't having to face our problems and be glad for them. On the other hand, sometimes we just need to do the thing that fixes the problem, like turning on the heat. In the latter, there is no one we can honestly blame or complain about because we have the solution, we just didn't use it until it became unbearable. 

Today, it's only my fault the heat wasn't on. Thinking about it there are other things that I can only blame myself for. So here is the solution, forget the past and do what I know to do, what I can do. 

Monday, November 6, 2023

Living Humbly and Fully


Your Lane

I read Nona Jones’ book, Killing Comparisons. It is her personal view of overcoming insecurities in our lives. I would recommend it for both men and women even if the target audience is women. This being said she gave a definition of humility that I loved, and yet being me I had to add to it. Humility is “living fully in the lane God has designed for you.” This means that you live what you are fully which is great in some areas but weak in others and not judging your performance by comparing it to anyone but yourself. It’s a truth we could all do well to learn from.

The one thing I want to add is, not to compare ourselves with a wrong view of who we are. For example, if you’re eighty-five years old comparing your ability to run now to the person you were when you were twenty-five years old would be wrong. It is a wrong comparison. Therefore, this is the addition I would add, humility is living fully in the lane God has designed for you today.

I suffer from migraines at times, and they at times are completely debilitating. Living fully on those days might be just making it through it and celebrating I didn’t throw up on the bed. If that is all I have (and it has been at times) then God is pleased. If I didn’t even make it without throwing up on the bed, if I did what I could, God would still be pleased. Why? I used what I had just to keep myself alive for the time God would use for me later. What if a better day doesn’t come, like those with live-ending illnesses? They just trust God to be there when life is over and endure until. When we consider this it may be that there are people in nursing homes or even on hospice who are “living fully” and more pleasing to God than those who are in perfect health and working. In fact, if God has called you to rest then it is “living fully” and doing that is. in God’s eyes, more important than doing any type of work. 

Monday, October 30, 2023

Going to Costa Rica...maybe?

This is my second post about my thoughts about what is happening in the new Global Methodist Church. I transferred my ordination in December from the Church of the Nazarene to the Global Methodist Church. I won't go into the reasons I chose to become GMC right now but it definitely felt right and when I talked to my mentor, a retired Nazarene pastor, about it he was excited for me. Now hearing about the decision to have our first General Conference in Costa Rica, I'm even more excited.

So why would I be? 

First, by holding our first General Conference overseas we are striving to be a truly global church. Second, by holding it in Costa Rica it will give those from parts of the world who would struggle to get visas to the USA a greater opportunity to attend. Both of these reasons I applaud. This is what I want to see in this new or maybe I should say, renewed version of Methodism.

So will I go? I hope so but a lot can happen in a year. If nothing else it motivates me to get back into studying Spanish. 

Pray for God's hand in the GMC so we will follow His guidance. 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Indiana East District Charge Conference Summary

On December 8th, the Indiana East District met to have its first Charge Conference at the Compass Church in Selma. The evening opened with prayer by Pastor Dan Vore and a worship service led by Corinth Church in Muncie. Presiding Elder Jason Rice discussed some of the ways the new GMC was different from what had been done in the UMC and conducted the limited amount of business that was required by law. Pastor Charles of the Selma Christ & New Burlington Churches gave a short message from John 6:59-69 discussing the dangers of being offended when God was doing something new. The service ended with Pastor Jeanne from Grace Methodist and Pastor John from Trinity Church Hartford City leading in Communion, then a prayer of Commission by Pastor Damon of Center Chapel.  

Pastor Jason asked all churches to encourage their pastor to attend the first General Conference of the Global Methodist Church in Costa Rica in September 2024. The location is outside the USA thus emphasizing the global reach of the GMC and making it easier for those traveling from many areas of the world to get visas, therefore being able to participate.  

One of the more radical concepts in the GMC is that long-term pastorates were going to be encouraged and no guaranteed appointments for elders. Church leadership and the pastor can request reassignment but other than church discipline the church and pastor will stay working in ministry together. For more information on what Pastor Jason discussed, you can reach out to him at The Compass Church.

As a reminder, the first Convening Conference of the Great Lakes Region of the GMC is less than a week away. Continue to pray for all those who attend and that we will continue to follow the Great Shepard, Jesus Christ. 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Noah, why a vineyard?

 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us" Hebrews 12:1

Most people know about the story of Noah and the flood but not so many know about the story of Noah and the Vineyard. It is a strange story with disturbing hints that are really uncomfortable. I'm not going to look at what happened between Noah and his son but instead ask a question, "Noah, why a vineyard?"

Some might say that after being in a boat with a bunch of animals and his family, he might have thought, "I need a good stiff drink." However, it takes time to grow a vineyard and it takes time for grape juice to become fermented enough to produce wine. According to my research, which wasn't deep I admit, it can take three to five years. So it took a lot of work to get that drink.

Could it have been that since he hadn't drunk in a while he got drunk and passed out before he realized what was happening?

These questions we don't have the answers to, but I will look at them in light of Hebrews 12:1. What if Noah had a problem, a weakness, and decided after everything he had gone through he had the right to indulge a little? (Sure, none of us would do anything like that, or maybe we would?) 

The truth as I see it is there are many times when we finish a big project or complete a challenging task we excuse ourselves and give in to those things which may not be the best for us. Like eating out at a buffet after losing some weight, it may not be disastrous but it works against what you have been striving for. On top of that, we often feel like we deserve to "treat" ourselves, but is this really treating ourselves or simply an excuse to give in to something we know we shouldn't do?

Noah spent a lot of time preparing to enjoy himself, but I wonder if later he wished he would have done something else? For me, this is a reminder to guard your life, especially after a victory.

Photo by Annie Lang on Unsplash

Monday, October 9, 2023



 I just finished listening to Jon Acuff’s Podcast “All It Takes is a Goal.” He was talking about his new book about living into your potential. Thankfully what I was hearing so far was good and realistic. Nothing about how everything will be perfect and if you’re living into your potential the universe will realign to meet your needs. He never does that kind of cheesy stuff, even if he is a queso guy. Do I agree with everything he’s ever said, no but that’s okay as I find his style motivating for me. Well, enough about Jon, I want to think about potential.

Potential is a confusing thing. For most of us in the West we think living into your potential is running three or four businesses, making money hand over fist, and chasing all of your dreams. The truth is that is a lie for most if not all of us. Potential is not workaholism or even what others think you ought to do. It’s related to what you can really do.

For a mother of three on a limited income, living to your full potential for this week may be keeping the kids fed and cleaned and having the self-control to not buy something just because you have the credit to do so. For an older person with disabilities in the nursing home living into your full potential might be getting up, eating in the dining room, and not yelling at that neighbor who never quits complaining.  

I’m just posting a blog today, but I want us to realize potential is related to what we have, not what we wish we had. For me today writing an okay blog post is part of fulfilling my potential. If I continue to work on my writing it may someday include writing scholarly papers and great world-renowned books, but that is only if I work on what I have today and strengthen it.

There are some things that I have decided are possible for me to do. I have the potential for it, but I’m choosing not to do it. Like I have the potential to be a great, which means terrible, alcoholic. However, I believe that is not a good place for me to go. There are things that people may tell you that you need to invest your potential in but it may be just as bad an idea as me becoming an alcoholic. You have to decide. What are you going to invest in? What you invest in be that reading, writing, drinking, working, etc. is where you put your potential because, at the end of the day, your potential is tied up in one thing. How you spend your time and energy you have.

So are you spending your time and energy on what is important to you, your family, and to God? If you’re not then you are wasting your potential.

Side note: Resting isn’t wasting potential, it’s renewing it, but that is a conversation for another blog. 

Monday, October 2, 2023

Vengeance is Mine!?


Vengeance is mine!

I have a right to revenge!

Well, not if you're following Christ. Throughout Scripture, the admonition is to be one that trust God to deliver vengeance. However, this is hard. We do feel that we have the right. The question I have been asking is “Why?.”

Why do we think that we have to get even? Why do we think we need to “Make it right!”

One reason is that we feel we need to be God or at least a god. This goes back to the original sin in the Garden of Eden. We want the right to judge good from evil, right from wrong, for ourselves (and though we often don’t want to admit this part but for everyone else as well). Christians, however, are supposed to have made God, well, God in our lives.  The logical conclusion is that this may be true for some but it isn’t the reason for everyone.

The second reason is a matter of trust. In Mark 9, the man with the son with a demon was asked, “Do you believe?” The man wisely responded, “Lord I believe, Help my unbelief.” Christians and others believe God will give final judgment, but we doubt it will be enough or soon enough. If we believed that someone would soon die if they hurt us or someone we loved if we did nothing, would we feel the need to attack them? Probably not. Especially once one or two dropped dead not long after doing it. However, we don’t often see God’s judgment fall in this world, and more often than we would like people don’t even face prosecution in this world. Therefore, I can’t help but think, we believe they are actually getting away with it.

As I see it, for most people the idea of revenge is rooted in the idea that the person who has wronged you is going to get away with it. We don’t really believe they will face justice. Perhaps then when we are faced with the desire for revenge we need to go to God and say, “God I believe that you are the righteous judge, I believe that people will face the consequences of their actions. However, God… help my unbelief.”


Side note: I am not saying that we shouldn’t seek justice or let people get away with wrong. We should stand up against injustice and prosecute wrongdoers. However, our attitude needs to trust that God will ultimately make things right. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

All Things?

Once a pastor was visiting his sister’s family when a bad snowstorm stuck. For days they were stranded until finally they all showed signs of hypothermia and the two youngest children went to sleep for the last time. The father was in denial of their situation and tried to look on the bright side and ignore the looming truth. The eldest son had a mental breakdown and sat rocking back and forth muttering the Lord’s Prayer under his breath and completely disconnected from reality. The mother and the pastor then got into a debate, the pastor said that, in the long run, no matter what happened to them it would be a good thing because God works everything together for good. The mother disagreed arguing that the deaths of three children could never be good and even if God had a plan, they were to suffer a cruel fate.

When they arrived at the kingdom of Heaven the two little children were greeted by God first, their innocence and purity shining like stars and they laughed and ran off to play. God greeted the elder brother next, taking away the anxiety that had plagued him since birth and revealing the brave young man he had always been. Next, God greeted the father, who wept and God whipped his tears away and showed him how he had lived the life of a righteous man who never stopped having hope. The pastor was next and he fell before God, knowing all his unworthiness and all those whom his ministry hadn’t reached, but in his love, God showed him all the souls that he had saved through his lifetime of service and all those who would yet still join them in paradise due to his efforts.

Lastly, the mother stood all alone having seen her family enter. “Why am I here?” She asked, “When push came to shove, I doubted You. I doubted in Your plan, and I doubted in how You make all things good.”

“Beloved,” God replied, “My own Son, who I love, doubted that I was with Him on the cross. You asked how the deaths of your children could be good, it was not good, it was a tragedy. But I will turn that tragedy into a miracle to soften the hard heart of your mother, so that she too will one day enter into my kingdom. Doubt doesn’t mean you don’t love Me, it means you’re human.”

My youngest daughter recently had a dream that served as the inspiration for this story. As my youngest daughter wrote this, she is suffering from a disease that makes her life miserable and has for years and is also has gotten worse. She lives at home with her mother and me and is unable to keep a job and often unable to get out of the house. She often wonders in the middle of the worst times of this disease if it would have been better if she hadn't been born. I am sharing this to let you know this wasn't written by a person who is just sitting behind a desk with perfect health and a well-paid job, it wasn't.