Friday, June 29, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 29th

Today's reading is Proverbs 18-22


Here in verse 21 of Proverbs 18, we are reminded just how powerful words are. They have the power of life and death, the writer says. They do but this is not the verse I want to concentrate on today. I want to look at the next verse.

He that finds a wife a good thing. I would expand that a bit and say that when someone finds a good spouse have found a great thing. It is like gaining God's favor. For those that have such a marriage can understand this truth, but for those who haven't been married or don't have a good one, you might not be able to imagine marriage as a wonderful thing. In truth, the bad examples of marriage have hidden its greatness, behind the images of abuse and hardship. This doesn't mean that marriage is bad, but as with many things if done wrong they make it look that way.

A car is a great tool but used wrongly or driven while under the influence it is an instrument of destruction. This is true with marriage also, just as the problem with the car is the driver, so in marriage, it isn't the institution it's the people driving it.

Photo by Jordan Bebek on Unsplash

Thursday, June 28, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 28th

Today's reading is Proverbs 13-17

In the New Testament James says that the tongue is the thing that gets people into all kinds of trouble. We find that first pointed out here in the book of Proverbs. Proverbs 13:2-3 is one of several places where the writer of Proverbs points out the dangers of the mouth (lips). Our words are powerful things if controlled they bring life, misused brings disaster.

To put it another way, be mindful of the words you speak because you never know which words you might have to eat.

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 27

Today's reading is Proverbs 8-12

Do you see Jesus in the background?

In Proverbs, chapter 8 wisdom is personified as a person, specifically a young woman. This young woman is crying out to those around to come to her and be taken care of. It is a beautiful picture, however, it is more than you may realize. I never saw it until a pastor pointed it out in a message. The picture is that of Christ.

If you change out the word wisdom with Jesus and her with his, you will see that Jesus fills this chapter. Jesus gives wisdom. Jesus speaks truth. Jesus stands against the proud and haughty. By Jesus were the foundations of the earth established. Last but not least, Jesus offers salvation and to reject Him means you are doing yourself harm.

Read this chapter again and see for yourself. Jesus is Wisdom.

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 26th

Today's reading is Proverbs 3-7


Proverbs 3

The nuggets of wisdom fill Proverbs. For me the question is which to choose; the fear of the Lord, the importance of wisdom, confidence, and security found in wisdom? Today I’m drawn to verse 27, “Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.”

There are times when someone does something nice to you or does good in some other way and they deserve recognition and maybe even reward. Yes, we could say, God will reward them, and he will, but God expects us to do our part. It may be a simple as a thank you or as much as a large cash reward, but they need to be recognized. However, God wants us to participate in his work which means if we can we should.

There are times when someone may deserve a reward or recognition,
T but we have no way to reward them. If that is the case, this verse excuses you when it adds “when it is in your power to act.” There are times when it isn’t our place or in our power to recognize those who deserve better. Don’t feel guilty, it’s not in your power.

This verse isn’t just for those who do volunteer work. This verse would include those who do paid work. If someone has done work for you then they deserved paid. It is the good that they deserve. If you have it pay them. Don’t put off giving people what they deserve. Why? you may ask. I think the reason is if you don’t do it now you might not do it later and then you will have stolen from them and God doesn’t bless thieves.

On a different note and just as true, when your being paid for a job and it's in your power to do the work right, you need to do that too. Taking from your employer be it things, withholding your expertise, skills, or the time you should spend on a job, then you are stealing just as much as the employer who underpays his workers. 

Thankfully, God forgives thieves and forgetful people. The key is to try and make it right. Some people say don’t do today what can be put off to tomorrow, but I think God teaches “Don’t put off to tomorrow what should be doing today.”

Photo by Fancycrave on Unsplash

Monday, June 25, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 25th

Today's reading is Psalms 148-150 and Proverbs 1-2

The wise keep learning...

Proverbs is a book filled with practical wisdom. It is a book that some seem to despise because it promises that God is not against giving wealth, he isn’t against saving or investing, or against promising evil for those who reject God. The practical advice in this book has been used by everyone from the saint to the business man to live a more successful life. The principles in this book are just that principles which are true, under normal circumstances. They are like gravity unless something changes it always holds true (yet planes fly, why man intervenes).

The key in this first chapter is found in verse 5. The wise man doesn’t just listen, he finds ways to continue to learn, and to seek wisdom from those wiser than himself. Not all the answers to life are found within yourself, in spite of what some eastern mystics have said, you have to seek wisdom and truth, you have to find those smarter than yourself. If you don’t then according to Solomon you aren’t wise, you might be just some wise guy.

So, are you seeking wisdom? I think if you are reading this that you must be. Keep going and keep learning.

Photo by Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

Friday, June 22, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 22

Today's reading is Psalm 143-147

Help, God!

Psalms 143 is another cry to God in asking for deliverance. It is a very good pray which could very easily be prayed today. However, in this Psalm David list the reason God should deliver him: for His name's sake. David is calling out not because he deserves it but that God may be glorified.

This makes me think what about those times when suffering might bring God greater glory? Shouldn't we be willing to go through that if it will bring glory to God? I think we should. Because honestly, everything isn't about us.

P.S. Suffering which will help bring us maturity, or in some way bring God's will (his glory) doesn't mean it will hurt any less.

Photo by Alexander Lam on Unsplash

Thursday, June 21, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 21st

Today's reading is Psalms 138-142

How well does God know you? The answer is partially found in Psalms 139. In this knowledge, the psalmist isn't afraid but finds the strength to stand against his enemies. For me, it is a reminder that God knows us and loves us and if he does then what are we afraid of. We don't have to be afraid but stand confidently in his presence. This is a psalm which should bring peace. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 20th

Today's reading is Psalms 133-137

Unity is like...

Family division is a very sad thing. The history of Israel and even mankind sees brother against brother again and again. It is a sad, but here in this little chapter, we are reminded of how good it is for there to be unity.

The examples of its goodness may seem strange until you realize the true picture. Arron’s anointing to the priesthood opens the door for God and man to have a relationship. This shows the blessing has a spiritual blessing. The second is dew on the mountain but what may be forgotten is that the dew (water) from the mountain comes down to give life to the valleys. This showing unity brings physical blessings.

We are reminded that unity is the way it should be.

Photo by Greg Byman on Unsplash

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 19th

Today's reading is Psalms 128-132.  (relax these are short)

That walk in his way...

I like Psalm 128. It is a reminder that God gives rewards to those who are faithful. I hope you understand that not everything in life will go well, but God’s ultimate purpose is for those who serve him to be rewarded.

Jesus makes it clear in the New Testament about the trials and troubles which come, and Job is a harsh reminder we won’t always understand why bad things happen, but this doesn’t change God’s character. He wants to reward those who are faithful to him. 

God will reward us and even in the midst of the dire situations listed in Romans 8, we see in verse 28 that God will work ALL things together for good for those who serve him. So, in this life or in the next, those who serve God faithfully are rewarded. If some of those rewards do come in this life (wealth, family, peace) then make sure and give God praise for them. 

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Monday, June 18, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 18th

Today's reading is Psalms 123-127

Who are you looking to?

A wise servant or even a smart waiter or waitress knows you have to keep an eye on those you are serving. There are little signs which tell you that the person wants you to do something. Moving coffee cup by the side of the table is one which I often do as a hint, I want a refill. A good waitress will immediately notice this and other signs which tell them it is time to move. There is little more disconcerting at a restaurant than to have your server close by and never look your way. Yes, there are things which call their attention but as the person who wants service, it is annoying. You often feel as if the server doesn't think you're important and sometimes they don't.

In ancient times, servants who didn't pay attention didn't miss out on a tip, but were punished and sometimes severely. They learned quickly to look for those signs to watch closely. This is what the psalmist is saying he is doing in Psalms 123. He is looking intently to God for the small signs that he is needed so that he can respond.

There are many things seeking to draw our attention to them in today's world, but our eyes need to look to God. We need to realize God is ultimately the one we need to look to and if we miss out on a signal from him we might miss out on more than we can imagine.

Photo by Marina Vitale on Unsplash

Friday, June 15, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 15th

Today's reading is Psalms 118-122

Oh, what the heart of a heart of an artist produces.

“Ps 119:1-176. This celebrated Psalm has several peculiarities. It is divided into twenty-two parts or stanzas, denoted by the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Each stanza contains eight verses, and the first letter of each verse is that which gives name to the stanza. Its contents are mainly praises of God's Word, exhortations to its perusal, and reverence for it, prayers for its proper influence, and complaints of the wicked for despising it.[1]

Not two chapters form the shortest chapter in the Bible is the longest. As the commentary describes it is a complex work of poetry, praising God’s word. This may seem like a lot of work and kind of repetitive unless you’re an artist at heart. The artist knows, as do others like Engineers, designers, and finishers, the greatest compliment you can give a subject, or a work is giving it your best and finest skill to make it complete even in areas others may not see.

God’s Word is a part of God’s revelation and this gift is something which deserves great praise.

Photo by Jordan Pulmano on Unsplash

Thursday, June 14, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 14th

Today's reading is Psalms 113-117

Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter in the Bible. The ironic thing is that my thoughts on the chapter are going to be longer than the chapter itself. One might be confused when reading this chapter in different versions because some say God’s kindness and truth last forever and others his love and faithfulness.

I, though, don’t want to focus on those minor issues (the words are closer than we may think), but on the idea, the psalmist makes on the everlasting nature of these attributes. God isn’t one thing and then another. God is always the same and his attributes don’t change. Our actions do, and our relationship with him can but he doesn’t change. He doesn’t become something else. He isn’t progressively growing into something else he is. Or as He described himself “I AM.”

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 13th

Today's reading is Psalms 108-112

Whose fighting for you?

The end of Psalm 108 makes it very clear that without God we fail, but with him, we succeed. Yes, we may have some victories if we try and work without God but ultimately, we lose.

Throughout history, there are proofs that just because you win the battles you don’t win the war. The American revolution is a perfect example. In battle after battle, the British won or at least weren’t defeated. Yet just the right number were won and finally, the last battle was won. The undersized and outmanned colonies won independence.

How much more is it with God. Time after time men turn from him and it seems God’s plans are falling apart, but God is never defeated. In truth, very often what seems like defeat is what He uses for victory (the cross for example).

We need to remember this and always look to God to bring us to the place of ultimate victory. 

Photo by Chuanchai Pundej on Unsplash

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 12th

Today's reading is Psalms 103-107

Are you singing?

There are two extremes in the Christian Faith when it comes to the benefits of being a believer. The first is that God will supply you with everything you want if you are living right. The second is that all of the benefits of being a Christian come after you are in heaven. There are scriptures for both and life experiences to demonstrate both.  The great Wisdom literature in the Bible, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes give evidence for both points of view.

However, whatever way you lean it can’t be denied that God wants to bless His people and there are benefits to being a Christian. This takes us to the Scripture I am looking at today in Psalms 103:2 “forget not all His benefits.”

I believe the greatest challenges in the Christian faith come not from the trials we face but from our own forgetfulness. When we forget, we fail. When we remember, we succeed. This may seem an oversimplification (and it may be a little) but the truth is still there. In the Old Testament, it reminds us again and again that a generation rose up that “didn’t know...” and they went into sin.

So, what we need to do is to remind ourselves of God’s grace and benefits. This is done with mental review and I believe with the tool of music. “Praise the Lord Oh my soul and all that is within me praise his holy name...”

So, are you singing?

Photo by Hatim Belyamani on Unsplash

Monday, June 11, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 11th

Today's reading is 98-102

Psalm 100 is a psalm that I have often preached on during Thanksgiving week here in the USA. The psalm is a favorite for many a generation and I can't but wonder if it might not have been read on that first Thanksgiving. Yes, there is much debate on the morality of the settlers coming to the New World but on that day Native Americans and Settlers celebrated together.

Whatever the past, Thanksgiving and every day is a day to enter the gates of God with thanksgiving.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey- June 5th

Today's reading is Psalms 78-82.

I read once that Steven King had an epiphany when his daughter was 13. And no, I am not a fan of horror and there is nothing written by King in my bookshelf. Most of his stuff, from all I have seen probably, isn’t Christian strengthening material and we will leave it at that. Compared to some romance novels they might actually be better but that is another story and far from my point.

As I was saying King realized he hadn’t written anything his 13-year-old daughter would read. This inspired him to write “Through the Eyes of a Dragon.” A friend of mine convinced me that since I had a love of fantasy this might be a King book that I would enjoy, and I was surprised that I did and also that it had several strong positive messages in it.

 One point in the story a young prince attends a banquet. Afterward, his mother tells him he did well, but he didn’t use his napkin the way he should. He, of course, points out that many of the other powerful men at the banquet didn’t use proper etiquette.

She explains that these little things make a difference because together they shape how a man will end up becoming. She shows the young prince the word god and the word dog. They both use the same letters but the way they are arranged changed everything. She says explains that men can by their actions become god (small g) or dog. Depending on how they arrange their lives.  

This brings us to our Scripture in Psalms 82.

We see here a proclamation that God says we are gods as children of the Most High, but we are going to die like men.

We were designed to be something special in God’s economy. We were if I dare say meant to be gods and goddesses (not in the pagan sense, but in that we were the children of God).
Mankind blew that, but God has made a way to restore it through Jesus.

So, what are you going to do?

In conclusion, I would like to quote a very deep theological truth from CS Lewis’s book The Weight of Glory: (listen carefully)

“It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest most uninteresting person you can talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship, or else a horror and a corruption such as you now meet, if at all, only in a nightmare. All day long we are, in some degree helping each other to one or the other of these destinations. It is in the light of these overwhelming possibilities, it is with the awe and the circumspection proper to them, that we should conduct all of our dealings with one another, all friendships, all loves, all play, all politics. There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilizations - these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit - immortal horrors or everlasting splendors.”

Monday, June 4, 2018

TCN Biblical Journey June 4th

Today's reading is Psalms 73-77

It may look like they're winning...

Psalms 73

Surely God is good to Israel,
to those who are pure in heart.
But as for me, my feet had almost slipped;
I had nearly lost my foothold.
For I envied the arrogant
when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. (Verses 1-3)

This is the place we get at times. We know God has been faithful in the past but right now it looks like everything is going good for those who don’t serve God. Over the next several verses the writer talks about how everything is going well for these people. This again is where we are. We can list the ways people who don’t serve God are doing well. We wonder if its really worth it. However, this isn’t where this psalm ends, and it shouldn’t be where we do either.

When I tried to understand all this,
it troubled me deeply
till I entered the sanctuary of God;
then I understood their final destiny (verses 16-17)

It is amazing what happens when we begin to study God’s word and attend church regularly. This is when we like the psalmist looks at the world differently. When we are where God wants us and are looking to him then our perspective changes and we realize it might look good now, but things are going to change. It’s like the pale person who spends years maintaining a tan only to find that it might have looked good for a while but now they are wrinkled or fighting cancer.

Are you discouraged by what you see? Get into the church and into the Bible, it will help straighten your thinking out. 

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

Friday, June 1, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey June 1st

Today's reading is Psalms 68-72

A MIGHTY THRONG (of women preachers?)

Psalms 68:11 “The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng:”

Okay, whom is it that says women need to be silent? David seems to indicate that the women who proclaim God’s word are a mighty throng, not a small minority. There is no barefoot and pregnant here.

The rest of the song again proclaims God’s power to deliver, but I couldn’t help but point out this verse, written by a man who doesn’t seem to hold the respect for women which we see as the norm for some Christians. If he sees women proclaiming, then maybe we need to also.  

Photo by Mario Purisic on Unsplash