How many times do we do things for the greater good?
The question is what is the greater good? The problem with this is this is different for different people and seemingly at different places.
This is why I try to look to the Bible and God as my true north. Of course, I do know there have and are people who twist the bible to mean what they want, but that is true about everything, not just the Bible. The difference is the Bible tells us we should have it shape us and not the other way around. But I digress.
The question we need to ask is this situation I face actually calls me to do something for the greater good. The classic example is hiding Jews from the Nazis. Of course, it was right to disobey the government to protect them. However, what about an illegal immigrant whose hope is to make it rich in America. Yes, I know many have more noble goals but I'm trying to make a point. Does it matter if the illegal is from Mexico or Canada?
There are gray areas but I don't want us to get sidetracked in the gray. However, there are times we use the gray areas to justify something more than another greater good that we want for maybe less than honorable reasons.