Romans 14:13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.
I am surprised about the number of pastors who see it as a bragging point that no one knows they are a pastor. Normally, I assume (and hope), this is because they dress like everyone else. However, I thought about other professions and put their words into it. No one knows I'm a police officer. No one could tell I was a doctor. No one could tell I was a lawyer (okay this might be a good thing). No one could tell I'm in the army.
In other professions do they brag that no one could tell they are what they are? Well yes, in the police department if they are working undercover. The reason there is because they want to deceive people, which I can't see as being a solid foundation to bring people to God.
So are we ashamed of being ministers? Personally, I think it may be. There is also some idea growing in the church that being different is a sin...
When I started thinking about the subject that came to mind I remembered the verse I mentioned at the beginning of this post. Yes, I disagree with those that brag about not being seen as pastors. However, these men and women are trying to serve God, so I need to be glad for them. They are living, I have to assume, as God has given them the grace to. If they aren't, then God will correct them or God will deal with them. It is not my job to judge.
Yes, I have at times been judged for looking like a minister, but this is their problem, not mine. Mine, as is yours, is to live the life God has called us to. For me, at this time, it is by wearing a clerical collar to announce to the world and to remind myself, I am a slave to Christ. Much like wearing a wedding ring reminds me and the world that I have taken the marriage vow. Others don't wear collars or wedding rings and that choice is between them and God.
Nobody knows what your real motive may be, but God does so I choose to let him be the judge, which isn't where my thoughts first started today but a good place to end.
Photo by Alberico Bartoccini on Unsplash