With moving this year I realized just how much stuff I have and maybe a reminder of what I need to throw out. In the middle of all of this stuff, I found a laminated paper of my 4-year goals from 2017. (I'm deleting 2020 as a year for my goal list)
After a quick look, I wanted to throw it away as there were several things on it that were not even close to being completed. Getting a complete understanding of basic Spanish just didn't happen. Being in perfect shape for my age, no, going to ignore that. I didn't hit the New York Times bestseller list but then I didn't get published traditionally either so, I missed that too.
I looked over the failures and wanted to throw it out. However, I didn't. I stopped and looked at it again.
So I didn't get Spanish down, but truth be told it was a wish and never made a real priority, so it shouldn't have been on the list.
Find accountability, yes.
I didn't publish a fiction book but I did write 4 and instead of publishing one non-fiction, I got 10. My estimate is I wrote 400,000 words for books in the last 5 years. Yes, this was a win.
I helped more than 3 people get published.
I did all that I was asked on the district I was part of.
I didn't get in perfect shape but I have lost 50 pounds so that is a win.
I could go on but when I finished going over the list I hit half of them and made a real dent in half of the rest. In fact, the only ones I missed were the ones I mentioned at the beginning of this blog. So where is the failure in this list?
I should be rejoicing. Yet, even as I write this I'm still fighting shame. We are really dumb sometimes, aren't we? We have great victory and yet we focus on the misses.
NOT THIS TIME! I'm here to say that though the last few years haven't turned out how I hoped they have been victorious!
With God's help, I WON! and I bet you have to if you really take time to look.