Monday, October 31, 2022

Wesley's Questions #13


 I have been recently asked by someone in the Global Methodist Church if could answer the 19 questions that John Wesley had his bishops ask those wanting to enter the ministry in regard to the GMC. I believed I could so in taking on that challenge I am going to post my answers. They probably won't be perfect or how you might answer them but they will be mine. Perhaps you might ask yourself how you might answer them.  

John Wesley’s Questions

13. Will you exercise the ministry of compassion?

I believe that part of the ministry of every Christian is to have compassion for those who are less fortunate. As an elder, it is my responsibility to not just teach this but to live it out. I might not have the skills to help in every area but I should use what I have and praise those who do this work.

In the past, I have made ministry to those in nursing homes a priority even when others said the people there were a waste of time. I also was involved in habitat for humanity. I currently work in these areas as assisting in the food pantry ministry and shut-in visitation for St. Mark’s Methodist Church and as a hospice chaplain. I do not know where the ministry will take me in the future however, I can not imagine a time when I would not be involved in some form of compassionate ministry. 




Monday, October 24, 2022

Wesley's Questons #10-12


 I have been recently asked by someone in the Global Methodist Church if could answer the 19 questions that John Wesley had his bishops ask those wanting to enter the ministry in regard to the GMC. I believed I could so in taking on that challenge I am going to post my answers. They probably won't be perfect or how you might answer them but they will be mine. Perhaps you might ask yourself how you might answer them.  

John Wesley’s Questions

10. Have you studied our form of church disciple and polity?

11. Do you approve of our church government and polity?

12. Will you support and maintain them?

Church disciple and polity are not laid out in scripture therefore they are not infallible or inerrant. This being said, for any organization, group, or government to work effectively there must be agreed-on guidelines for how disciple and polity are handled. Without guidelines, there is confusion, chaos, and anarchy, God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33)

I have studied the discipline and polity of the Global Methodist church and I believe I can live within and support it. I am still learning how they are lived out as they are very different from the framework the Church of the Nazarene uses to conduct its business. As a future member of the Global Methodist Church, I am striving not just to have a general knowledge of the church’s disciple and polity but a living and breathing understanding of how the Global Methodist Church wants to live out its calling when it comes to the business of the church.

Finally, it is my opinion that if someone can not agree to work within the system agreed upon then the person who disagrees should leave. You in the Methodist Church have seen this is not always the case. Sometimes those who want to live by the rules must leave. I can not speak for anyone else, but if there comes a time I feel I can not support and maintain the agreed-on discipline and polity of the Global Methodist Church I will leave.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Wesley's Questions #8 and 9


 I have been recently asked by someone in the Global Methodist Church if could answer the 19 questions that John Wesley had his bishops ask those wanting to enter the ministry in regard to the GMC. I believed I could so in taking on that challenge I am going to post my answers. They probably won't be perfect or how you might answer them but they will be mine. Perhaps you might ask yourself how you might answer them.  

John Wesley’s Questions


8. Have you studied the doctrines of the Global Methodist Church?

Yes, I have studied the doctrines of the global Methodist Church. I find they very close to the doctrines of the Church of the Nazarene which I have followed and taught for the last 25 years. I was never a member of the Wesleyan Covenant Association nor the committee setting up the doctrines that are Global Methodist Church, but my association with Reverend Samuel Padgett has given me the opportunity over the last several years to talk about the Creeds and the doctrines which were becoming the foundation of the global Methodist Church. I was excited about what I was seeing develop in this new branch of Methodism. I had no idea at the time that I would request to join.

The reason why I was so excited about the doctrines is answered in question 9.

9. After full consideration do you believe that our doctrines are in harmony with scripture?

We have the example of basing our doctrine on scripture from Jesus and the disciples. Jesus expounded from the scriptures. The Disciples found the truth of who Christ was not just from his miracles but through the Old Testament scriptures that Jesus taught them about himself (Luke 24:13–32).

I find in my study of the doctrines of the global Methodist Church that they do, in fact, line up with scripture or as this question puts it, they are in harmony with all of scripture. This is vital because doctrine needs to be founded in the full understanding of all of Scripture. Church history has taught us that any time a single doctrine, reason, tradition, or experience trump/exceed the teaching of all of Scripture, the church goes into error. In choosing what it has, I would say the doctrines are based not only in Scripture but as those Scriptures have been understood throughout church history without trying to change them to be culturally acceptable.

In the past, the United Methodists have had a doctrine they did not all practice nor all believed in, so having a proper doctrine though helps in keeping people from going into error but does not prevent it. At this time, it does appear that those who are leading and joining the Global Methodist Church are not just interested in having Biblical doctrine but living into it as well.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Wesley's Questions #7


 I have been recently asked by someone in the Global Methodist Church if could answer the 19 questions that John Wesley had his bishops ask those wanting to enter the ministry in regard to the GMC. I believed I could so in taking on that challenge I am going to post my answers. They probably won't be perfect or how you might answer them but they will be mine. Perhaps you might ask yourself how you might answer them.  

John Wesley’s Questions

7. Will you keep the General Rules of our Church?

To answer the question if I will keep the general rules of the church I give this example. When I joined the Church of the Nazarene they had in their rules that Nazarenes were expected to refrain from attending the cinema. I personally disagreed with this ruling as I felt that it was not what was in the cinema but what was portrayed in specific movies that were the problem. I often found that much of what some Nazarenes watched via VCR tapes were far worse than much of what was on in the cinema. However, when I agree to join the church, I agreed that I would follow their rules. Until the church changed their rules on entertainment I never attended the cinema though there were times I was tempted. I have made a commitment and that commitment said I would follow their rules whether I fully agreed or not. I do not see anything in the general rules of the global Methodist Church which I disagree with like I did that rule therefore believe I can honestly say I can follow all the general rules of the Global Methodist Church to the best of my ability so help me God.