We have been in the process of moving and getting settled in a new home and a new church. Things haven't gone as smoothly as I would like but God is still faithful. He has a great group of people who are working hard to get the parsonage we are living in up to a higher standard than it was and make it very livable. We have had help when desperately needed and things are going to work out. I even might get caught up on my writing but not today. However, thanks to everyone who has prayed, helped, and given.
I share my personal thoughts and insights as a pastor, father, husband, friend, author, and (at Christmas time) Santa. I talk a lot about forgiveness because learning to forgive isn't easy.
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Crazy Love Story

Of course, if you said that to some young teenage girl, you might end up dead when their dad got a hold of you.
Now I realize you might object and say that isn't what this charm says and in one way you would be right. Taken out of context the Mizpah sounds perfectly sappy for a couple in love to say to each other when they are going to be away from each other.
However, this is not the context in scripture. In Genesis 34, Jacob is fleeing from his Father-in-law, Laben. Laben feels Jacob has robbed him but that is okay because Jacob felt that Laban has robbed him also. These two didn't like or trust each other. God stepped in and to make a long story short they agreed to stay away from one another for as long as they lived.
The lessons from this; First - there are sometimes godly reasons to stay away from some people. Second - This is actually a horrible valentine's gift for anyone. Just saying.
Monday, March 6, 2023
Devotions with a Twist
I read a tweet not long ago from someone who wanted a recommendation on a devotional preferably one with humor. I enacted with the person not realizing it was someone I would never have made a recommendation to if I had known who they were. Not that it was a bad recommendation, but it was my own stuff (What was I thinking, duh!)
So where am I going? Though there is some humor in Bible Reflections it wasn't exactly what she was asking for. Therefore, I thought I would give it a try and create 30-40 devotionals that are quirky, funny, ironic, or maybe even FOFL.
Things like:
Aaron tells Moses, "I threw gold into a fire, and out came this idol." (REALLY AARON?)
God told Laban and Jacob to go to their rooms.
God telling husbands, "Die to make your wife the best version of herself."
Well see what happens and I might post them more than once a week but I don't want to promise and not deliver so you'll have to wait. I hope it will be worth it.
God Bless,