I share my personal thoughts and insights as a pastor, father, husband, friend, author, and (at Christmas time) Santa. I talk a lot about forgiveness because learning to forgive isn't easy.
Monday, October 30, 2023
Going to Costa Rica...maybe?
Monday, October 23, 2023
Indiana East District Charge Conference Summary
On December 8th, the Indiana East District met to have its first Charge Conference at the Compass Church in Selma. The evening opened with prayer by Pastor Dan Vore and a worship service led by Corinth Church in Muncie. Presiding Elder Jason Rice discussed some of the ways the new GMC was different from what had been done in the UMC and conducted the limited amount of business that was required by law. Pastor Charles of the Selma Christ & New Burlington Churches gave a short message from John 6:59-69 discussing the dangers of being offended when God was doing something new. The service ended with Pastor Jeanne from Grace Methodist and Pastor John from Trinity Church Hartford City leading in Communion, then a prayer of Commission by Pastor Damon of Center Chapel.
Pastor Jason asked all churches to encourage their pastor
to attend the first General Conference of the Global Methodist Church in Costa
Rica in September 2024. The location is outside the USA thus emphasizing the global
reach of the GMC and making it easier for those traveling from many areas of
the world to get visas, therefore being able to participate.
One of the more radical concepts in the GMC is that
long-term pastorates were going to be encouraged and no guaranteed appointments
for elders. Church leadership and the pastor can request reassignment but other
than church discipline the church and pastor will stay working in ministry
together. For more information on what Pastor Jason discussed, you can reach
out to him at The Compass Church.
As a reminder, the first Convening Conference of the Great
Lakes Region of the GMC is less than a week away. Continue to pray for all
those who attend and that we will continue to follow the Great Shepard, Jesus
Monday, October 16, 2023
Noah, why a vineyard?
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us" Hebrews 12:1
Most people know about the story of Noah and the flood but not so many know about the story of Noah and the Vineyard. It is a strange story with disturbing hints that are really uncomfortable. I'm not going to look at what happened between Noah and his son but instead ask a question, "Noah, why a vineyard?"
Some might say that after being in a boat with a bunch of animals and his family, he might have thought, "I need a good stiff drink." However, it takes time to grow a vineyard and it takes time for grape juice to become fermented enough to produce wine. According to my research, which wasn't deep I admit, it can take three to five years. So it took a lot of work to get that drink.
Could it have been that since he hadn't drunk in a while he got drunk and passed out before he realized what was happening?
These questions we don't have the answers to, but I will look at them in light of Hebrews 12:1. What if Noah had a problem, a weakness, and decided after everything he had gone through he had the right to indulge a little? (Sure, none of us would do anything like that, or maybe we would?)
The truth as I see it is there are many times when we finish a big project or complete a challenging task we excuse ourselves and give in to those things which may not be the best for us. Like eating out at a buffet after losing some weight, it may not be disastrous but it works against what you have been striving for. On top of that, we often feel like we deserve to "treat" ourselves, but is this really treating ourselves or simply an excuse to give in to something we know we shouldn't do?
Noah spent a lot of time preparing to enjoy himself, but I wonder if later he wished he would have done something else? For me, this is a reminder to guard your life, especially after a victory.
Photo by Annie Lang on Unsplash
Monday, October 9, 2023
![]() |
Or NOT! |
I just finished listening to Jon Acuff’s Podcast “All It Takes is a Goal.” He was talking about his new book about living into your potential. Thankfully what I was hearing so far was good and realistic. Nothing about how everything will be perfect and if you’re living into your potential the universe will realign to meet your needs. He never does that kind of cheesy stuff, even if he is a queso guy. Do I agree with everything he’s ever said, no but that’s okay as I find his style motivating for me. Well, enough about Jon, I want to think about potential.
Potential is a confusing thing. For most of us in the West
we think living into your potential is running three or four businesses, making money
hand over fist, and chasing all of your dreams. The truth is that is a lie for
most if not all of us. Potential is not workaholism or even what others think
you ought to do. It’s related to what you can really do.
For a mother of three on a limited income, living to
your full potential for this week may be keeping the kids fed and cleaned and having
the self-control to not buy something just because you have the credit to do
so. For an older person with disabilities in the nursing home living into your
full potential might be getting up, eating in the dining room, and not yelling
at that neighbor who never quits complaining.
I’m just posting a blog today, but I want us to
realize potential is related to what we have, not what we wish we had. For me
today writing an okay blog post is part of fulfilling my potential. If I
continue to work on my writing it may someday include writing scholarly papers and
great world-renowned books, but that is only if I work on what I have today and
strengthen it.
There are some things that I have decided are possible
for me to do. I have the potential for it, but I’m choosing not to do it. Like
I have the potential to be a great, which means terrible, alcoholic. However,
I believe that is not a good place for me to go. There are things that people
may tell you that you need to invest your potential in but it may be just as
bad an idea as me becoming an alcoholic. You have to decide. What are you going
to invest in? What you invest in be that reading, writing, drinking,
working, etc. is where you put your potential because, at the end of the day, your potential is tied up in one thing. How you spend your time and energy you
So are you spending your time and energy on what is
important to you, your family, and to God? If you’re not then you are wasting
your potential.
Side note: Resting isn’t wasting potential, it’s
renewing it, but that is a conversation for another blog.
Monday, October 2, 2023
Vengeance is Mine!?
Vengeance is mine!
I have a right to revenge!
Well, not if you're following Christ. Throughout Scripture, the
admonition is to be one that trust God to deliver vengeance. However, this is
hard. We do feel that we have the right. The question I have been asking is “Why?.”
Why do we think that we have to get even? Why do we think we
need to “Make it right!”
One reason is that we feel we need to be God or at least a
god. This goes back to the original sin in the Garden of Eden. We want the
right to judge good from evil, right from wrong, for ourselves (and though we
often don’t want to admit this part but for everyone else as well). Christians,
however, are supposed to have made God, well, God in our lives. The logical conclusion is that this may be true
for some but it isn’t the reason for everyone.
The second reason is a matter of trust. In Mark 9, the man
with the son with a demon was asked, “Do you believe?” The man wisely responded,
“Lord I believe, Help my unbelief.” Christians and others believe God will give
final judgment, but we doubt it will be enough or soon enough. If we believed
that someone would soon die if they hurt us or someone we loved if we did
nothing, would we feel the need to attack them? Probably not. Especially once
one or two dropped dead not long after doing it. However, we don’t often see
God’s judgment fall in this world, and more often than we would like people don’t
even face prosecution in this world. Therefore, I can’t help but think, we
believe they are actually getting away with it.
As I see it, for most people the idea of revenge is rooted
in the idea that the person who has wronged you is going to get away with it.
We don’t really believe they will face justice. Perhaps then when we are faced with
the desire for revenge we need to go to God and say, “God I believe that you are
the righteous judge, I believe that people will face the consequences of their actions.
However, God… help my unbelief.”
Side note: I am not saying that we shouldn’t seek justice or
let people get away with wrong. We should stand up against injustice and prosecute
wrongdoers. However, our attitude needs to trust that God will ultimately make
things right.