If you keep doing the same thing today you have done in the past you will keep getting the same results.
Most of us know this and yet we keep making the same mistakes. So what is the problem?
Most people are slaves to what they know or have done. I will admit that at times I am. To be honest, there are things that are just easier and even very enjoyable. (I love to cook sweets and eat them)
There is something to be said about persistence and sticking with things, but the problem for most of us is we are persistent in areas where we shouldn't be and are not persistent in important matters.
But what I want to make clear is that when there are things in our life that need changing, we need to work on changing them. If it feels like there are too many things then just start with one, but if you refuse to start then you will never be anything more than you are today.
So start...do that one thing...
let's get some different results.
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