Tuesday, July 31, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 31st

Today's reading is Jeremiah 9-12

My eyes a fountain of tears!

I have been reading a book in which the author seems at time to make light of, if not mock entirely, Christians who are concerned about the lost of the world. Of course, the author pointed out all of the flaws in these people that isn’t anything new for the follower of God. God in scriptures wasn’t afraid to open to the world the multitude of flaws concerning His followers. Yet, in this book, it seemed as if the author was laying out the flaws as an excuse for dismissing their faith. I see their flaws and though they may have been great, I don’t out of hand dismiss their concern for the lost of the world. Perhaps, this is because I want others to look past my mistakes and sins, but whatever it is, tears over the lost isn’t anything new.

The most quoted example of someone crying out to God on the behalf of others (that I have heard) is here in chapter 9 of Jeremiah. These people are not dead yet, but Jeremiah sees that they are slain in God’s eyes. They are having a good time, they are sleeping around, using and abusing people to get ahead, unaware that destruction is coming. I would guess the people around Jeremiah would mock his tears, but they are real. He cries not out of an imagined disaster but a real one.

Yes, Jeremiah might be more predisposed to tears because of his personality and temperament, but that doesn’t dismiss their sincerity. I am not saying that all Christians should be weeping often like Jeremiah or have the imagined toughness of John the Baptist. However, we should all be moved when a saint of God is moved to tears over the lostness of others. I don’t think we should ever dismiss them.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Monday, July 30, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 30th

Today's Reading is Jeremiah 5-8

Can you find one honest businessman?

Jeremiah 5:1 Can you find one honest businessman?

Thankfully, I believe there are some in this country. However, God says that all of the righteous-sounding people of Jerusalem were liars and didn’t seek God. He said if one person could be found that he would halt judgment.

It would be easy to look at this and focus on God’s judgment, but I see God’s mercy. One person could stop the judgment? One! This reminds me of the conversation between Abraham and God about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Perhaps this is the picture God is trying to show. The truth that a few people can make a difference. They can change the destiny of a people. However, this few make the change not because they are in political power, they post the right words on Facebook, or are in the church but because they are truthful in their lives and they seek truth (God).

Are you one of the few? Are you seeking the right things?

Then you can make a difference.

 Photo by Rob Bye on Unsplash

Friday, July 27, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 27th

Today's reading is Jeremiah 1-4

God in this chapter bewails that that Israel hasn’t just left him the “living water” but have dug their own cisterns which are cracked. The first is not good to walk away from the source of life. The second is willfulness in wanting to save themselves which they can’t do.

Israel was placed between the great countries of the world and served as a conduit for traveling caravans. The place was prime real estate for every major power of the world as a source of income (tariffs) and for military security. The only way they could hope to survive is with something beyond themselves protecting them. This was God’s role. Yet they forsook God and tried to come up with ways they could protect themselves. They, of course, could never work for long.  

Also, God gave them a way of living which provided for the less fortunate which if carried out as commanded could have brought them prosperity. Yet greed caused them to choose something else, which also didn’t work.

Finally, God gave them a way to have a relationship with him and the promise for something greater to come. Here again, they choose to follow other gods, which gave them what they wanted and promised to give them control (they offer the right sacrifice and the god promised your results).

The results were: they rejected life and choose hard work (digging a cistern is hard) to get nothing. Why? The faulty idea that my way is the right way, Pride, selfishness, the desire to be a god. Guess what we’re not.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 26th

Today's reading is Isaiah 62-66

Choose Wisely!

I find it amazing that in many ways Isaiah ends the same way Revelations ends: God enthroned with His people from every nation in a new heaven and earth and the rebellious in torment and judgment. It reminds me as one preacher said, "There's heaven and hell and you can't miss both of them."

Coming to the end Isaiah we are reminded the old preacher was right. We might not like it. We might not think it is fair. We might wish it just wasn't so, but it is. There are only two choices right or wrong, God or yourself, heaven or hell.

Choose wisely.

Photo by Ybrayym Esenov on Unsplash
Photo by Edu Grande on Unsplash

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 25th

Today's reading is Isaiah 57-61

Whose to blame?

It feels like a cop-out to say that death may have been better than living, but according to the scripture in Isaiah 57:1-2, it is true. I have heard it quoted many times I have to say. most of the times it has been said because there was nothing else to say (Speaking is a bad option in a grieving situation, silence is better than speaking something which may/will cause pain). The lack of tack in its use doesn't dismiss the truth.

There are things better than death, but there are also many things worse than death. I have talked to many a people who wished they never would have lived to see _______________. The list of what those things are long and some I would actually agree with. So it can be understood that God may allow the death of a saint to keep them from facing worse.

This being understood, however, this doesn't mean that every premature death of a Christian is God saving them from something worse. Claiming that a person has died because God is saving them from worse is presumption on our part. So I go back to the idea that silence is best in a grieving situation because you and I don't have the whole picture. 

This may be the answer in some premature-deaths but more often than not, death, like plane accidents, is the result of human error. We would just prefer to blame it on God.

Photo by Mark Duffel on Unsplash

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 24th

Today's reading is Isaiah 52-56

How much clearer can it get?

In the middle of today's reading is a portion of scripture which if you didn't know otherwise a person might say was written after Jesus went to the cross. However, even the most unbelieving scholar admits it was written hundreds of years before Jesus was born. Isaiah 53 is this chapter.

This chapter tells of his humble birth, his life, death, burial, and even hints at his resurrection. It is clear to those who wish to see the power of God revealed. Yes, other scriptures may be more mysterious but this one paints a clear picture. It even starts with the proclamation that God's report won't be believed.

So will you believe?

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Monday, July 23, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 23

Today's reading is Isaiah 47-51

Handling Victory

Do not gloat when your enemy falls;
when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice,
or the Lord will see and disapprove
and turn his wrath away from them. Proverbs 24:17-18

I immediately thought of this scripture when God, through Isaiah (46:6), explained to Babylon that he had handed Israel over to them and then they mistreated those they conquered. 

Most people might think this has nothing to do with individuals, but I happen to disagree. There is a danger for anyone to become proud and overbearing when they are promoted, win or in other ways victorious over other people. Especially when these people have been adversaries in one way or another.

The Christian attitude shouldn’t be that way. Our attitude should be one of the humility. This humility isn’t an attitude of apology or shame over a victory that is honestly won, but a gratitude over a job well done. When it is in the matter of wrongs it should be gratitude the justice is done not revenge given.

In a simple sentence, it is having the attitude of Christ. 

Photo by Marcus Wright on Unsplash

Friday, July 20, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 20th

Today's reading is Isaiah 42-46

Jesus doesn't extinguish the weak flame...

Isaiah is full of pictures of the coming Messiah. Here in the first part of Isaiah 42:3 is one of those word pictures which is quoted in Matthew 12:20. It is where we see a picture of the compassionate and meek (not weak) Messiah who care for those who have been broken by life.

There are two pictures here a bruised reed and a weak flame. The first sees evil/sin has caused injury, which it always does, but hasn’t destroyed completely. Here Jesus doesn’t reject outright this damaged individual. The second is the weak flame which seems to indicate a spark of goodness, but it isn’t where it should be possible because it is low on fuel. In this second there is a picture of Jesus not gently bring that person to where they need to be.

The church there has been a tendency to do one of these actions of Jesus but not the other. Either the damaged person is pushed aside as irredeemable or the weak flame is quenched by condemnation and guilt. I have seen both in my years in the church, but in the days, I live and amongst those, I associate it is the later which I see more. Those who feel they are burning brightly (usually measured by souls saved, ministry done, or money giving) lay guilt on those who aren’t measuring up to their standards. Yes, Jesus did at times use harsh words to get peoples attention, but his normal method was gentleness.

The goal is to not do one ministry of Jesus but to do both. Help those who are broken by sin and encourage those who aren’t living into their potential in Christ. This means a ministry to the sinner and the saint. To the church and to the world. Which is more important? 


A side note here: There are some people whom may have greater gifting to work with one group or the other. This isn’t wrong, God, after all, has placed different giftings in the church (1 Corinthians 12), but in a church, both should be in operation. Finally, don’t exalt more or despise those who are gifted differently as both are vital and both are part of Jesus’ ministry. 

Photo by Alex Holyoake on Unsplash

Thursday, July 19, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 19

Today's reading is Isaiah 37-41

We see here in Chapter 37 Hezekiah's response to the charge that the God of Israel is no better than the other gods and in it we see faith. Hezekiah claims that God is God alone. There are no others, no competition, no one to compare to. In effect, Hezekiah is saying that comparing God to the other gods is like comparing the real with the imaginary. Hezekiah without strength goes to God and says, he has insulted you, now show him he's wrong.

And God did.

Our God is like nothing else, why do we worry?

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 18

Today's reading is Isaiah 32-36

Woe to those who destroy and aren't destroyed.
Isaiah 33

Why is Isaiah giving a woe to the destroyer and the traitor who has not seen destruction? It would seem that those who have faced judgment would be worse off. The one who has survived longer is the winner, right?

No. As we look through scripture, we see that those who have greater time to change are promised greater judgment. In the New Testament, Jesus warned the cities he ministered in which did not repent were in for greater judgment than Sodom and Gomorrah which were destroyed by fire and brimstone. In another place, Jesus makes it clear to whom much is given much is required. This being the case, those whose judgment is held off and don't repent are in for greater judgment.

Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 17th

Today's reading is Isaiah 27-31

God promises in Chapter 27 to slay the Leviathan, the twisted serpent. This many see as a picture of Egypt and its symbol of the crocodile, but what serpent is more twisted than that of the Devil. God has promised that at the end of time God will destroy all the works of the evil one. Yes, this could be a picture of God bringing judgment on the enemies of Israel, but I can't help but think this also gives a picture of God's final victory over all evil. In the day where Jesus will be ruler over all the earth on the day, he will return.

For those who love God, it will be a blessed day. For those who serve themselves will find themselves in the camp of the enemy of God, the great serpent, the devil and they will face the same fate. Hell and the Lake of fire isn't a place where the Devil will reign (no matter what Hollywood and legend say) it will be a place where he too will be in torment.

Photo by Tomáš LiÅ¡tiak on Unsplash

Monday, July 16, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 16th

Today's reading is Isaiah 22-26

Too often, prophets are seen as heartless preachers of damnation and judgment. This is not the reality we see in the Bible. More often then not we see the attitude that Isaiah shows in 22:4 "That's why I said, "Leave me alone to weep; do not try to comfort me. Let me cry for my people as I watch them being destroyed"(NLT).

The prophets are portrayed as something they are not. I believe this is done because it is easy to ignore someone who doesn't like you. It is harder to ignore a person who cares about you. 

This is part of the reason why at times Christians are also portrayed as heartless, judgmental people. Yes, some are but they are not the majority. Some may present things badly, but most care deeply and like Isaiah weep over the very people they are trying to warn. They want to see them saved but know that many will reject it. 

To those who weep, don't feel ashamed. Ignore the condemnation and keep speaking the truth (and weep).

Photo by Jerry Kiesewetter on Unsplash

Friday, July 13, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 13

Today's reading is Isaiah 17-21

A prophecy of Judgement, but ...

Here again, we see in the middle of God's judgment a glimmer of hope. "Yet some gleanings will remain" (Isaiah 17:2). It is easy to focus on the destruction, but looking past it, we see hope. This isn't easy if you are the one in the middle of the destruction, but it is there. There is grace and mercy even in the middle of judgment. Over and over this theme is repeated. God is just but he is also merciful and loving.

There is a time to focus on judgment, but today I want to look at mercy because isn't that what we want God to focus on when it comes to dealing with us?

Photo by Dan Kiefer on Unsplash

Thursday, July 12, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey - July 12th

Today's reading is Isaiah 12-16

"Praise GOD!"

As a result of the events foretold in chapter 11, chapter 12 is a song of praise. For those that have received God's salvation, this song can resound your own feelings. I suppose I could say a lot about this but I want only to point out one thing before I encourage you to read it again. "Surely God is my salvation," God isn't the giver of salvation he is salvation. God is the originator, the provider, the sacrifice, and the fulfiller of it. God is my salvation, nothing else. 

Isa 12:1-6 (KJV)
(1)  And in that day thou shalt say, O LORD, I will praise thee: though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me.
(2)  Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.
(3)  Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
(4)  And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.
(5)  Sing unto the LORD; for he hath done excellent things: this is known in all the earth.
(6)  Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee.

Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 11

Today's reading is Isaiah 7-11

Common, Miracle 

Often in a story, you find something which fits for that situation but is also something which foreshadows something to come. My daughter, Elizabeth, noticed this in a series not long ago, in which a weather vane in a western town had a dragon on it, which showed up at the end of the series. This isn't anything new in fact we see God doing it scripture quite often and we see it here in Isaiah 7:14.

The scripture tells of a young woman conceiving and this was a sign to them that God would bring deliverance. The Hebrew (Old Testament) word Virgin and a young woman are the same but context changes everything. Here it is actually both. For Ahaz, it was a young woman, but for God's covenant people it would be fully realized in a virgin (never been with a man Matthew 1:18-23; Luke 1:34-35). 

God was giving a prophecy not just for that time but was laying the foundation for the greater deliverance that God would bring. This sign (both the first and second) was given not at the request of man but by God himself. Both events, a child born, look from the outside like nothing extraordinary, but they were far more. For the birth of Jesus, it was the event which angels sang and which turned the world upside down, though the world didn't know it at the time. 

For me, this double-sided prophecy demonstrates just how powerful a storyteller God is. 

Photo by Alex Hockett on Unsplash 

TCN's Biblical Journey July 10 - Called to fail?

Today's reading is Isaiah 2-6

"Isaiah, after your done this is it!"

Isaiah 6 is my favorite chapter in the Bible. It recalls Isaiah's vision at the time of King Uzziah's death.

Though some see this as the beginning of Isaiah's call, I disagree. The first chapter says that the times of Isaiah's prophecy was "during the reigns of Uzziah, ..."(1:1). What I see here is a reaffirmation of the call of God and something more a strengthening of Isaiah's constitution for the hard day's ahead. This call isn't something most people would want when looked at in total. This is why, I believe, God gave Isaiah such a dramatic vision.

I could go on for some time about everything I see in Isaiah 6 but first I have to point something out. Often in the west, we look at ministry as a hard but safe profession. We think that if you go into the ministry that everything will grow and prosper after all this is the good news we are preaching. This is not always true. Yes, the church is booming in the third world, but this is after decades, even centuries of mission work where little growth took place (as % of the population). Even Paul's ministry, though growing works all across Asia Minor didn't have a majority. No, I am not saying we should have a defeatist mentality and accept that we can't make a difference, but we do need to be honest. Most of our ministries don't end up turning into megachurches. However, Isaiah was given something much less than we can hope for.

What I want to highlight isn't the vision but the promise God gave to the acceptance of the call. After Isaiah accepts the call, God promises him that he will serve until everything in his country which he loves is destroyed. God promises a tenth, a stump will remain when his ministry is over. Even that bit, though it will grow, will not be seen by Isaiah. This is in Star Trek terms, "The Kobayashi Maru" a no-win scenario (at least from man's perspective).

I just returned from district assembly for my denomination. There was much encouragement on growth (and I believe there should be). The district superintendent made it clear he didn't want to serve if it meant he was serving over the death of the district. I can't blame him neither would I. I have served on two churches that were dying and nothing could be done to save them as they were. I have made a commitment to myself never to be in that place again. Yet, this is exactly what Isaiah is being called to do. Stay until the turn the lights out. Stay until all you know and love is gone.
Stand and watch it burn to the ground. It is no wonder God gave him this vision, he would need it in the years ahead. It is though, a beautiful reminder that God gives us what we need to finish the task he has set before us.

I have called Isaiah's call a no-win scenario but in the eyes of eternity, what God did through the work of Isaiah and his associates has changed the world. The book of Isaiah has given so much to the world, I can't imagine the canon of scripture without it. Yes, during his day he saw no reward, but like many artists, years later the world can't be imagined without them.

On a side note: If you regret not having a vision like Isaiah, maybe you should be glad you haven't. I sure wouldn't want his ministry, though who could argue with the eternal outcome.

Photo by Oisin Conolly on Unsplash

Monday, July 9, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 9th

Today's reading is Song of Solomon 5-8 and Isaiah 1

The Song of Song or the Song of Solomon is not an easy book to comment on if you're a father of a teenager whom might read what you are writing. I blush at some of the very sensual connotation found in its words. However, love and sex are God's creation and in the proper context a beautiful thing. However, sin and abuse have changed that for too many. The other side is those who see this as a very private activity which embarrasses then when it is discussed openly.  I, therefore, will jump over it into Isaiah 1

Looking at an overview of Isaiah shows it is unique in that it contains story (narrative), teachings, and prophecy. Though there is some argument over the authorship, it doesn’t negate the power of this book or its prophetic voice especially in regard to the coming Messiah.
The Kingdom of Judah has been watched over by God as a parent looks after a child (see verse 2-4). However, they are soon to discover like the child who has been forced to live without their parent just how much the parent has been doing. The results of their sins are about to come upon them. They had been living like God wasn’t in charge and they will soon see what will come.
Side note: Isaiah’s use of the terms Sodom and Gomorrah in this chapter has little to do with sexual sin and everything to do with a people who are destined to be destroyed. Like Sodom and Gomorrah, Judah’s destruction is certain.

Friday, July 6, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 6th

Today's reading is Ecclesiastes 12 and Son of Solomon 1-4

The depressing book of Ecclesiastes ends with the voice of its author the person who has collected all of these sayings. In a sense it is the conclusion of both Proverbs and Ecclesiastes is Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 "The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil."

There is a pattern to life but the world is broken and sometimes the principles that God has put into place don't work as they should. Yet, this doesn't change the plan of God. We are to obey and serve him and he will make it all right in the end.

To the atheistic critic, this sounds like wishful dreaming. They, after all, deny the Proverbs (God's order) and see only the meaninglessness of life. It is a sad way to live, but those who see the whole picture the pattern and the chaos know this wasn't the way it was meant to be and it won't be this way forever. It will be made right. Our job is to live right and to trust God.

Because if we do and there is no God then we have lost nothing but have lived with purpose. The atheist lives, though, without real purpose.  However, God is real and we both have a purpose and a future. The atheist has neither. 

It's something to think about. 

Now move on to some really unusual (for the modern reader) love poetry, The Song of Solomon. 

Thursday, July 5, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 5th

Today's reading is Ecclesiastes 7-11

Is death better?

I have always found it depressing when I hear people, inevitably at a funeral, say it is better to die than to be born. (Side note: This isn’t comforting to the family, so if you say it at funerals quit!) To me, it seemed an admission that life is meaningless which is what the preacher in Ecclesiastes keeps repeating. However, that doesn’t seem to me what the rest of the Bible teaches.

So how do we reconcile the wonder of birth and the seemingly “goodness” of death?

I found the answer in the Pulpit Commentary. “If a man's life is such that he leaves a good name behind him, then the day of his departure is better than that of his birth, because in the latter he had nothing before him but labor, and trouble, and fear, and uncertainty; and in the former all these anxieties are past, the storms are successfully battled with, the haven is won.”[1] 

This says to me that if you have lived your life well then death isn’t anything to fear. Tie this back into the idea that there are different seasons in life and we can see that if you have a good name then the season of life know as death is glorious.

It is like a race. Winning the race is better than beginning the race, but you can’t win if you don’t start. One seems better, but both are important, in another way you can never win if you don’t begin so though death may seem better, without birth there isn’t anything to celebrate. So, I’m still going to celebrate births as the potential for greatness.

Photo by Picsea on Unsplash

[1] Pulpit Commentary. Accessed July 4, 2018. http://biblehub.com/commentaries/ecclesiastes/7-1.htm

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 4th

Today’s reading is Ecclesiastes 2-6.

Flowers in Winter.

In Ecclesiastes 3, we are reminded that there is a time and a season for everything. The important thing to see here is to remember that there is a season in our lives. Too often people want to stay in the season they are in and this brings difficulty.

People want to stay teenagers, or stay young adults, or behind the wheel of a car not wanting to accept the truth that this time in their life has passed. Often this results in missing out on new joys of this new season of life or in accidents which hurt themselves and others.

I can’t help wondering if our desire for fresh fruits and vegetables out of season is a good thing, but that is a discussion for another day and another forum.    

We need to be willing to admit that the seasons in our lives change and to adjust to them. Buying baby toys for your twelve-year-old doesn’t keep them a baby it just creates issues. Even so failing to admit things have changed creates denial or a yearning for the past. This causes a person to miss the blessing of the present or saps the strength needed to face current trials.

The first step to going anywhere is to admit where you are. So look around, what season of life are you in and go from there. This is true if you’re a 25-year-old person or a hundred-year-old organization. Denying where you are will only lead to trouble. Setting out flowers in winter doesn’t change the season, it only kills the flowers. 

Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey - July 3 - Everything is Meaningless!?

 Today's readings are Proverbs 28-31 and Ecclesiastes 1.

Everything is Meaningless!?

  I must admit that I am not a fan of Ecclesiastes. It is one of the most depressing books in the Bible. The reason for this is found in the phrase “under the sun,” which shows the perspective from which this book is written. The perspective is from a man without God and it is pitiable.

So, what does this depressing book do for us?

I believe it gives us insight into the lie: “if I only had more, did more, if I was smarter, if I had no unfulfilled dreams then I would be happy and content.” Solomon had everything a person could want, and this is his writing. Solomon had it all and in this first chapter he sums it up in the term, Meaningless (or vanity).

So why is this book even in the Bible?  

One thing we find in the Bible is honesty. It is honest about its heroes and the people who are supposed to be serving God. It was honest in Proverbs about the way creation was intended to run, and here it is honest about how life actually looks. Without God and God’s heavenly perspective, life is meaningless. 

I wish I could be encouraging about what you are going to read, but I doubt you will be. However, it will give you the truth of what the world looks like without God. It may even give you insight into why people who seem to have it all kill themselves or do wicked things. 

I can't leave you on a downer. Life isn't just what we see. There is a God and a heavenly perspective. There is hope for life is more than what we see. 

Photo by Ashim D’Silva on Unsplash

Monday, July 2, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey July 2

Today's reading is Proverbs 23-27

In moderation?

In verses 20-21 of Proverbs 23, there is a warning not to be a drunkard or a glutton. Though these two things lead to the same end they may seem to have little in common on the surface. However, they both are based in the desire for excess. It is the desire for more than what is proper, then what is good and prudent. Food is a good thing, alochol has it's proper place but the excess leads to destruction. It isn't wrong to have them in their proper place, but like sex outside of those bounds, it is wrong.

Photo by Sarah Shaffer on Unsplash