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"Isaiah, after your done this is it!" |
Isaiah 6 is my favorite chapter in the Bible. It recalls Isaiah's vision at the time of King Uzziah's death.
Though some see this as the beginning of Isaiah's call, I disagree. The first chapter says that the times of Isaiah's prophecy was "during the reigns of Uzziah, ..."(1:1). What I see here is a reaffirmation of the call of God and something more a strengthening of Isaiah's constitution for the hard day's ahead. This call isn't something most people would want when looked at in total. This is why, I believe, God gave Isaiah such a dramatic vision.
I could go on for some time about everything I see in Isaiah 6 but first I have to point something out. Often in the west, we look at ministry as a hard but safe profession. We think that if you go into the ministry that everything will grow and prosper after all this is the good news we are preaching. This is not always true. Yes, the church is booming in the third world, but this is after decades, even centuries of mission work where little growth took place (as % of the population). Even Paul's ministry, though growing works all across Asia Minor didn't have a majority. No, I am not saying we should have a defeatist mentality and accept that we can't make a difference, but we do need to be honest. Most of our ministries don't end up turning into megachurches. However, Isaiah was given something much less than we can hope for.
What I want to highlight isn't the vision but the promise God gave to the acceptance of the call. After Isaiah accepts the call, God promises him that he will serve until everything in his country which he loves is destroyed. God promises a tenth, a stump will remain when his ministry is over. Even that bit, though it will grow, will not be seen by Isaiah. This is in Star Trek terms, "The Kobayashi Maru" a no-win scenario (at least from man's perspective).
I just returned from district assembly for my denomination. There was much encouragement on growth (and I believe there should be). The district superintendent made it clear he didn't want to serve if it meant he was serving over the death of the district. I can't blame him neither would I. I have served on two churches that were dying and nothing could be done to save them as they were. I have made a commitment to myself never to be in that place again. Yet, this is exactly what Isaiah is being called to do. Stay until the turn the lights out. Stay until all you know and love is gone.
Stand and watch it burn to the ground. It is no wonder God gave him this vision, he would need it in the years ahead. It is though, a beautiful reminder that God gives us what we need to finish the task he has set before us.
I have called Isaiah's call a no-win scenario but in the eyes of eternity, what God did through the work of Isaiah and his associates has changed the world. The book of Isaiah has given so much to the world, I can't imagine the canon of scripture without it. Yes, during his day he saw no reward, but like many artists, years later the world can't be imagined without them.
On a side note: If you regret not having a vision like Isaiah, maybe you should be glad you haven't. I sure wouldn't want his ministry, though who could argue with the eternal outcome.
Photo by Oisin Conolly on Unsplash
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