Monday, February 3, 2020


Scriptures say that God in the last days would speak to people in dreams and visions. We have heard stories about this but at the end of the day, we have to take these stories by faith as there is no way to prove someone had a dream other than by their own testimony. Often we hear things second or third or thirtieth hand so we can't verify anything. 
What we know for sure. God does speak through dreams. He has in the past and I have to believe he still does. Dreams don't have the weight of Scripture any more than my preaching does other than when it confirms it.
Hope for the dying? Could God reach someone with the gospel in their dreams? Sure there isn't anything in Scripture that says He couldn't. I know of someone who accepted Christ in a dream. The problem is though God could do this a sinner doesn't want to wait for a dream to accept Christ or a Christian force on God something we should be doing, shar
ing the gospel.
God is trying to reach people, so we can have hope God might still be reaching out to our dying relatives. This isn't a guarantee they will respond positively even if they knew they were dying. It is only a hope. A welcome hope but ultimately Christians are the ones God wants to use to share the good news.

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