Thursday, September 3, 2020

Just ask!

 Our youngest daughter got an article written about her book in the newspaper, the front page continued to the top of the back page (almost the entire top of the back page). It isn't the New York Times but it is still great. 

How did this take place? I mentioned what she had done (published as a senior in high school) and said it might be a feel-good piece. I thought it would be just the thing for a small local paper. They could have said no and the results would have been the same as a no if I had not of asked. 

This reminded me again of the power of asking. Now, I'm not saying we need to be annoying but there is a time and a place to ask, so ask. The worst that usually can happen is they say no. However, a yes might bring more than you expected. It did here. 

Not only did she get a very thorough article, but when we talked to the reporter he told us she was the best interview he had ever had. He went on about how great she was in her answers and in her demeanor. He also praised us for supporting her and being good parents. (I'm smiling)

Why? Because I asked. 

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