Monday, November 23, 2020

Teia and the Dragon 2


Chapter 2

The man who called himself Stone, heard the voice of the dwarven girl running yelling as she ran down the hall. He moved himself into the shadows behind a column and let the screaming brat pass by. If a person had spotted his cloaked and hooded presence, they would have thought he looked like a monk or a wizard. He, however, did have to cast a spell or use any magic other than a natural ability to be overlooked. His mentor had told him that his ordinary appearance and the tendency of others to just ignore him was his greatest gift. He had not believed it at the time but found out that it was true. Secrets were told in his presence. Hidden plans were discussed that if the planners had realized he was there would have remained silent. Even now, a panicked girl who would have drug him someplace to help someone completely overlooked him.

“Oh, pu.” Stone rebuked himself. I can not allow that to happen again. HE had enough self-realization to know that his own mind, his own internal dialogue could be his greatest enemy. I have no idea what that girl was going on about. He had felt the quake and the sound of the tornado outside. This was probably what the stupid little thing was going on about. He was not concerned. This castle could withstand almost anything.

Just in case, he moved with a little more speed than the slow steady pace he usually demonstrated. He was certain if the time was right, he could move faster but he had been warned that to appeared hurried is to appear less in control. People did not trust people who had no control, so he walked at a slow steady pace most everywhere he went.  Now his walking speed was no faster than the walk of most people on their way to a casual meeting. Even when he saw the prone figures laying on the floor at the bottom of the circular stairwell he did not speed up. Whoever it was would be alive or would not? The debris surrounding them was not great. He cataloged what he saw. Part of the roof tiling, some of the light transfer cable, a light-capturing roof tile, odd and end filler materials, and oh yes, two bodies a child and a palace guard which he had first noted.

“Oh, my Stevens” Stone whispered through a twisted smile, “You have hurt yourself.”

He reached down and placed his hand on Adam Stevens's side and turned him over. The child he was holding protectively rolled out of his arms away from Stone. He gave the girl one quick glance and seeing she was not responding laid his hand on Adam’s chest.

“Bother,” Stone whispered, “Barbarians, mechanical monsters, giants, and now a tornado. What does it to kill you?”

Stone glanced around and they moved his hand from Adam Stevens’ Chest to his mouth and nose. As his hand began to close a sound was coming up the hall.

“Your luck can’t last forever” The words were no more than a whisper but anyone who heard them would have thought they were spat out as if they had just tasted spoiled milk. 

No one heard the words. As he moved now more quickly than he had in years, a smile crossed his face. No one would know he was ever there. At least that is what he thought.    

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