Monday, April 26, 2021

A Miracle? I thought you'd be taller?


OR "Just Wash"

Recently, we faced a real challenge. We needed to come up with more than one-quarter of our annual income to pay for a mistake someone else made in less than a month. It was money we honestly owed, but someone else made the mistake. I could have gotten angry but this doesn't help. It also doesn't take away from the concern(fear) about how do you come up with that much money, without doing something radical, like borrow or sell a family member (this is a joke).

We don't have an emergency fund for 3 months of expenses as we are still working on debt. We did have the $500 that Dave Ramsey recommends for people with our income, but that wasn't even 10% of the bill. 

God would have to work a miracle. He did.

Right before having to pay the bills (there were two), we received the stimulus check and went through our house gathering every bit of money we had stashed back. A little for vacation was here, a little for gifts was there, a little we forgot about there, and someone paid us for a little thing we did. All of it added together paid it.

Was it a miracle? YES, but it's so underwhelming it's funny. It is like meeting a hero and the comment, "I thought you would be taller," or Naaman who just had to "wash and be clean" from his leprosy. 

I remember, just because it isn't a big show-stopping miracle doesn't make it less a miracle. It could be easy to mark up to chance. It isn't. It was God and I really need to thank him for it. 

So I am, If you're not impressed that is fine. It is me that needs to be grateful and perhaps this can remind us both God works in ways that are very subtle and if we're not careful we might miss it. 

David Clode on Unsplash

Monday, April 19, 2021

Not a waste

If you try something for six months and enjoy it but decide that this isn't a lasting and overriding passion is it a waste?

Over the last four to five months, I have nickeled and dimed (spent little amounts over many purchases) a couple hundred dollars, maybe even close to three hundred on a making foam armor. I spent my relaxation time doing the work and have a few nice but not great pieces. 

To take my work to the next level will require a lot more money and time. I have other priorities which need dealing with at this time. Did I waste my time?

Of course, each situation is different as are people, but for me, I have to tell myself NO it wasn't. If I had spent the money on ingredients to make pies for people or elaborate meals for guests the money would be gone and I doubt anyone would have complained. The time I spent was time I was supposed to be relaxing which means none productive in the normal sense. So here again no waste. 

Yet, part of me wanted to jump up, look at the few tools I bought, the foam that is unused, and say, Look at that waste!

We are silly people sometimes aren't we. 

On a side note: I used this talent to create something special for my daughter, Azi, and my grandchildren. In fact, the project for the grandchildren resulted in what could be legacy items. These things could change their lives forever. 

Ya, what a waste. (eye roll)

Note to self: Self-doubt - You're an idiot. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Anger Emoji is Unscriptural


Okay, unscriptural might not be the right word, but. . . 

Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil. Ephesians 4:26-27

What options we have. We can use emojis to show we are sad, glad, hugging, sick, and the big one ANGRY. It's the last one I'm now having trouble with: Angry. By clicking this emoji, we are choosing to express anger. We are choosing anger. However, if we are Christians is there ever a time where we should choose anger? I don't think so.

Anger happens. Anger is a physical response to our environment. God designed us with it, but every scripture about human anger gives a warning. I think this is because we do get angry, but we are never to stay angry or I might add choose anger.

Every medical study, I have heard about says the effect of staying angry is bad. God says it's bad. 

Let's be honest we like to be angry. We're told we should be angry; angry about racism, the climate, the government, the food served at McDonald's, your in-laws, the criminal. . . (and now angry about a blog post from someone you don't even know).

God though says let go of anger quickly. (Ephesians 4:26) As I read it, if you don't let it go you are giving place to the Devil. In the same section of Ephesians Paul tells us again, "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you" (4:31-32). 

Not only are we to put away anger but forgive (the one who makes you angry). 

So, when we choose the anger emoji are we following scripture? No. I really cannot say we are. I personally have to say choosing anger even in an emoji isn't something a Christian should do.

I can hear you say, "but God gets angry." I agree and so being a little blunt when you get God's job then you can choose anger (okay, a lot blunt and maybe even a little rude). However, as I see it, Christians should never choose anger. 

You might say, "I need my anger to stand up against…" This is the same as saying "I need to smoke to keep from gaining weight." It’s dumb, period. Yes, it may be true but it is still dumb. Find another way.

I could go on but this is just a blog post. You want to read more? I suggest Brant Hansen's book Unoffendable

Having trouble forgiving then you can check out my book, Impossible to Forgive. I will even give mine to you free (April 12-16, 2021) just to remove any excuse that this post is just trying to sell my book. 

Andre Hunter on Unsplash

Monday, April 5, 2021

The Perfect Writer...

A couple of the books I have published.

 What does the perfect writer do?

The simple answer is writing.

Anyone who wants to be a writer and an author knows there is also editing, promoting, and learning new technologies the craft requires today (by in large, no one is going to accept a handwritten manuscript). 

So what does it mean to be a writer today?

Answering this question is where most struggle. I know I do. So w
hat should I do? What does it take? How should I schedule my time? Do I need Facebook, Instagram, Googles+ (So sorry for those invested in that platform)? What do other writers do? 

It is the last question I want to answer. Oh, and to remind myself also.

At the end of the day what others do may help you a little, but ultimately you have to do what works for you. 5am the answer then get up. 9pm your time, then do that. Family commitments crowding in then maybe you need to slow down (I didn't say stop). 

I know what works for me and if you have done this a while you know what works for you. 

If you're still learning and we all should be, listen to advice and ideas from others. At the end of the day, it is what works for you. Playing loud music and sitting in a subway station might be the place you write best. I don't know how but that is me. Sitting in your living room might be or perhaps it is a coffee shop, but find what works, and then... are you ready for this?

I bet you already know the answer.

Write (edit, promote, learn,...).

ave it down perfectly