Monday, April 19, 2021

Not a waste

If you try something for six months and enjoy it but decide that this isn't a lasting and overriding passion is it a waste?

Over the last four to five months, I have nickeled and dimed (spent little amounts over many purchases) a couple hundred dollars, maybe even close to three hundred on a making foam armor. I spent my relaxation time doing the work and have a few nice but not great pieces. 

To take my work to the next level will require a lot more money and time. I have other priorities which need dealing with at this time. Did I waste my time?

Of course, each situation is different as are people, but for me, I have to tell myself NO it wasn't. If I had spent the money on ingredients to make pies for people or elaborate meals for guests the money would be gone and I doubt anyone would have complained. The time I spent was time I was supposed to be relaxing which means none productive in the normal sense. So here again no waste. 

Yet, part of me wanted to jump up, look at the few tools I bought, the foam that is unused, and say, Look at that waste!

We are silly people sometimes aren't we. 

On a side note: I used this talent to create something special for my daughter, Azi, and my grandchildren. In fact, the project for the grandchildren resulted in what could be legacy items. These things could change their lives forever. 

Ya, what a waste. (eye roll)

Note to self: Self-doubt - You're an idiot. 

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