Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Keeping strong in easy times.

Consider the promises.

 I'm taking a break from forgiveness this week and look instead at the promises of God. You know the ones: Destruction is coming, people will hate you, you will be lied about, the enemies will be those of your own home...

I bet those weren't the promise you were hoping I would look at. I don't like them either. I want the ones which promise me rainbows and cupcakes (healthy ones but still have all the taste of sugar). There are both types of promises in the Bible, but for the follower of Christ no so much. The New Testament rarely gives us promises of an easy earthly life. 

This doesn't mean we won't get an easy life on occasion, but if our spiritual life is built on easy living then we aren't where God wants us. If we are going to be all God wants us to be we have to be willing to follow Him even if things aren't easy. 

The good news is that God does promise a reward far greater than our suffering so it will be worth it. 

For some of us, we may need to spend more time doing things that aren't pleasant: working in a soup kitchen, volunteering with those who need help, etc. 

Why might you ask? 

Because in doing these things we are reminded of the blessings we do have, and it keeps us spiritually strong when tough times come. 

Think about it.

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