I have been recently asked by someone in the Global Methodist Church if could answer the 19 questions that John Wesley had his bishops ask those wanting to enter the ministry in regard to the GMC. I believed I could so in taking on that challenge I am going to post my answers. They probably won't be perfect or how you might answer them but they will be mine. Perhaps you might ask yourself how you might answer them.
John Wesley’s Questions
18. Are you in debt so as to embarrass you in your work?
I am in debt. My wife and I are embarrassed by the debt we have. However, I seriously doubt that anyone in our culture today would be in the least embarrassed by a couple of small credit cards and a student loan. This being said I have had debt in the past that keep me from launching out into pastoral ministry in the past. Since that time, my wife and I have strived to keep our debt under control. We desire to eventually be debt free so that we can obey the scripture that says we are to owe no man but to love him (Romans 13:8).
Besides personal debt, I believe that church debt can be a huge hindrance to the future ministry of the church. I would never encourage a church to take out a loan for anything but what might stop all church ministry.
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