Thursday, February 16, 2023

Crazy Month but...

 It has been a crazy month and it's just started. Now, I look back and see that I haven't posted my blog on Monday as I have set it as my policy. I could tell myself that it shouldn't matter after all it's not like I have a bunch of followers (actually last time I looked it was only 1). If I was sick or my family was going through a huge emergency and we were all sitting in the hospital, I would agree. That isn't the case. Yes, it's been crazy, and yes there are a lot of things I can't post about right now, but I could have set aside the time to write something. I had the ideas. 

I don't have a valid excuse. But WHY? Why write?

For me, this is supposed to be a way to keep a rhythm of writing and ideas in my life. It is like doing a morning walk or an afternoon devotional. The one time might not change me but all of them together make me better. It's one of those "important but not urgent" things which all time management people tell you make all the difference. 

So what do I do? Get up and get on the ball...thus the four-day late blog post. 

Sorry to my one follower and to my future self, I need to do better. I will. 

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