I had a hospice chaplain tell me that he once knew of an atheist who served as a chaplain. The man knew all the right words and could offer prayers that sounded good. I remembered this when I read this chapter and God saying that he knew those people who were called Israel, took oaths in the Lord's name, and even invoked (prayed) to God but didn't do it in truth or righteousness. I consider not just this atheist but others who say they serve God but don't preach the truth. God knows about them and he will deal with them. He will bring judgment and set things straight. My job isn't to worry about "taking care of them" (getting rid of them in some way) but to live for God and serve him. Yes there are times when we do need to give warnings to God's people who are young in their faith but usually we need to just let God deal with them because He will.
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash