Thursday, December 12, 2024

1 Thessalonians 4

Why do we try and help people with addiction problems? Their brains have been rewired by their addictions. Even if they do "kick the habit," they will have to guard themselves for the rest of their lives.  Wouldn't it be better to just let them do what they want and not worry about them? The answer for most reasonable people is no. Addicted people can't contribute what they can to society. Their lives are never as happy as they sometimes put on. Usually, they are a negative to society as people with active addictions will do whatever they have to to feed that addiction even though it hurts others. Finally, as a person of faith, I have to say that someone who has surrendered completely to addictions has made that addiction their God and so can't make it to heaven. So we can agree that addictions hurt the person, those around them, and society in general, and can keep them from God. Therefore we should help people with addictions. 

The problem is do we believe that people with addictions can? Paul did. He said that we should learn to control our bodies, (1 Thessalonians 4:4). The section is mostly talking about sex so people want to dismiss it, but I don't want to. First because for most I would say sex is an addiction. For those who want to say that you are made that way when it comes to their form of sexual disobedience, I would point out that the addicted person's brain is also made that way but can change. It's never easy, it's always going to be a struggle but that doesn't make it unconquerable. I'm not just saying gays, lesbians, or porn addicts either, I'm talking about all versions of sex that don't fall into God's ideal, including marital sex where one person is only using the other. 

Since I have already stepped into it I will throw myself in on another popular addition, food. Scripture teaches that we cannot allow anything to be our master but God. My greatest struggle is food. This isn't because I'm overweight, no it's because I go to it sometimes rather than God for peace and comfort. Like the addict or I should say as an addict, I will probably have to be on guard for the rest of my life and because I can't go without food, It will be a daily struggle. 

I don't know what your issues are, maybe it's an addition to soap operas or SpungBob but whatever the sin is I believe God can help us. As Paul says, "You should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable."

PS We have to learn control, but we can help and should help each other.  

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