Monday, June 8, 2020

Change yourself

Jesus told taught that it does no good if you gain the whole world but lose your soul. With all the call for change in the world, I am reminded of tow things: One: the only person you can really change is yourself and Two: what good is it if you get everything you want and lose your soul in the proccess. 

I want to make one thing clear. I'm not saying that we need to not work for change. However, if we work for it and even if we get it and we have lost our souls then we have ultimately lost. There is also the problem that change brought about by means which are not holy will ultimately corrupt the work. 

So what do we need to do? First is we have to make sure our hearts are right and actions are right. Second, we need to do a double check on our heart. You might say isn't that what you just said to do in the first point? The answer is yes, but often we justify our feelings and actions rather than see them in light of scripture. Finally, go out and try and help others change.

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