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Pick your Call? |
I am once again amazed at how God works with people. God gives Isaiah a vision, Moses a burning bush, Sampson strength (no verbal call), and the one I just read again today Ezekiel a word to get up and do what I tell you. God feels a little blunt and severe with Ezekiel, I think.
All of them received a call. I have to wonder if some of them wanted someone else's. I mean Isaiah's was cool but the end was everything was going to be destroyed. Sampson's made him powerful. Moses heard God and spoke to him, there were also all those miracles. Ezekiel's, my least favorite, get up, and if you don't do what I say you're responsible. Let me throw in Jeremiah who couldn't be quiet even when he wanted.
God gives to each what they need fitting to who they are and to the calling they are asked to complete. I have to wonder if they would have rather had someone else's calling? I will be honest enough to confess I have.
What about Moses' calling? I think that might be cool. Can I trade mine in for it. Okay, I would have to wait until I'm 80 to start but still? Wait? What was that? Maybe I don't want to wait until I'm 80 to just begin doing something for God.
Jeremiah? I get the picture of Jim Carrey in Liar, Liar unable to keep from doing something he's uncomfortable with, so maybe not.
Sampson? Forget it! I would probably do dumber than he did.
Isaiah? Now that is cool if you ignore the fact that after his ministry there will only be 10% left. SURE? Hey Mr. District Superintedent, I know I started out with a church of 300 but guess what God grew it down to 30 (29 others and me).
Let's go new Testament..., NO! It ended badly for all of them too.
Perhaps, I should just trust God and let Him pick.
Photo by Pavan Trikutam on Unsplash
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