Monday, August 16, 2021

Do you want them to have power over you?

 I created this image a while back and was reminded of it today. We often forget that when we don't forgive other people, we give them power in our lives. They are with us all of the time. They influence our actions, our emotions, and direct our decisions. The person who hurt us is now controlling us. Yes, they have done wrong, maybe even criminal things but now we are giving them more power. It isn't right and it isn't good. Common sense and science say this is bad for us and very destructive, but people do it all the time. I know I have.

The solution is to forgive. We have to let go. This isn't saying there aren't consequences or even broken relationships, but it does mean we let go of the anger that wants to control us. What I have found too, is that once you forgive you can deal with the problem more clearly.

There is a lot more that can be said here but this is just a blog and hopefully, an inspiration to help you learn and do more.  

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