Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Genesis 2

Can something be both good and bad? Well Yes and No. Gasoline keeps cars moving but if we drink it it will stop us from moving. Gravity is good but if you fall off a building the stop at the bottom might if you survive make you question that fact. This brings me back to Genesis chapter 2. Here God made a garden and called it good but in the midst of it was a tree that God told the man not to eat of. Is the tree bad? Clearly not, as God had previously called all he had made good. So what is it about this tree? The tree wasn't bad it was the misuse of the tree that was bad. It was good when it stood as a reminder that man chose God over himself. It was good but not for food, even if Eve thought it was during the temptation. 

I am reminded today that there are things that are good, but aren't good when they are used in a wrong way. There are things in my life that I have to guard against using in the wrong way. I am tempted like Eve to use it in a way that isn't right. Some of those things I need to avoid entirely others I need to keep for the purpose they are intended. God isn't tempting me, it's my selfish desires that get me into trouble. 

The good news is God is here to help me and so with his help, I can resist the temptations. 

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