Imagine if you will, a wife coming home from work on her anniversary to see a known prostitute sneaking out of her bedroom window. When she gets home her husband yells from the bedroom for her to wait at the front door. A couple of minutes later he walks out with some flowers and a smile. He praises her beauty, hands her the flowers, and says has bought her that new bedroom outfit she's been wanting for this special day. Is she going to be happy with the new furniture, if the money he used to buy it was supposed to go to help her sick mother? Is she going to be happy with the flowers and the smile? Especially when this is the twentieth time she has caught her husband cheating? I think not.
The people of Israel were doing all the things God commanded them, well as far as worship in the temple was concerned. They were worshipping other gods and treating fellow Israelites wrongly. They stole from the poor and ignored the cries of the needy, but they were in church on Sunday (the modern-day equivalent that is). It is no wonder God was disgusted.
What does this have to do with us today? I have to think that some really beautiful church services are happening around the world today that say they are serving God but are actually making Him sick. My prayer is that I'm not a part of them or do things that would make Him so.
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