Monday, January 20, 2025

Leviticus 23

 "Wherever you live" these words are in verse three of this chapter and are a reminder to Israel and to us that our life for God isn't only to be lived out among our own but also when we are way. Years ago, I was part of a group that didn't allow its members to go to movies. Though I thought it was an extreme position, I knew this was where I was to be. I heard others say that when they were away in places where no one knew them, they would go and see good movies (yes, there are some out there). I had the opportunity but never did. I'm not bragging, I just realized that I had made a commitment and that commitment wasn't dependent on whether or not I would be caught. How much more should we all be committed to God. The danger of course is that acting differently opens the door for possible persecution, which Jews and Christians have faced. However, God says if we are going to follow Him we have to do it if it's easy or hard. For most of my life, I have lived where it is easy, I pray as it becomes more difficult I will have the courage to continue to stand as I do you also.  

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