Monday, November 19, 2018

TCN's Biblical Journey Oct. 19th

Tell City Nazarene Church's Biblical Journey
With Pastor Charles Areson
Today's reading is 1 Corinthians 8-11

Who is the weaker brother in 1 Corinthians 8? When considering this Scripture I have seen some people use it to bolster their ego rather than an ally in love. I have also seen this scripture used to justify sin.

Some have thought that my stance on not drinking alcohol makes me the weaker brother. However, does it? Since I know my personality type and that if I did drink I would be an alcoholic. I don't think so but here again, Paul isn't trying to say one is better than the other but one should consider the other person as you might a weak relative, you give a helping hand.

Turning this scripture to an excuse to bolster an ego is counter to scripture and to what Paul is teaching. Paul here refers to idols specifically but it can refer to anything of which there can be an disagreement concerning the living out of truth.

This isn't someone saying I don't think cheating on my spouse is wrong and you disagree. No, scripture clearly teaches this is wrong. This scripture can't be claimed as proof you need to accept my sin because I don't believe it's sin.

The disagreement here isn't if it is okay to worship Idols. One is saying that the meat they are eating isn't worshiping others would say it is.  Both parties would say that worshiping anything other than God is wrong. It is in the details of if they are worshiping idols that the conflict and the resolution lie. Today it might be the difference between someone saying reading a fantasy book with a spell is practicing witchcraft and someone else disagrees. Both would say practicing witchcraft is wrong but one sees this activity as being the same the other doesn't.

At the end of the day, we need to exercise true tolerance and love. This includes giving in to the weaker not because they are lesses but because they are your brother or sister in Christ that you do not want to offend.

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