Saturday, March 30, 2024

Isaiah 14


You thought you were so important and now look at you!

This sums up this chapter rather well. God is saying that Babylon will fall just like those who have gone before. There is a humility to this chapter when we realize that whatever we do will one day come to nothing in this world. Yes, even if something we create lasts everything around it will eventually be forgotten. We live in a world where it seems everything is recorded and backed up but even with all these updates they will eventually be forgotten. 

The one hope we have is when we are in Christ, something not mentioned in this chapter, we have a hope that God remembers and that what we have done for him will endure. 

This is the tension in life, humility, because all will fail, and hope, because what is done in Christ will endure. 

Friday, March 29, 2024

Job 9


32“He (GOD) is not a mere mortal like me that I might answer him,

that we might confront each other in court.

33If only there were someone to mediate between us,

someone to bring us together,

34someone to remove God’s rod from me,

so that his terror would frighten me no more.

35Then I would speak up without fear of him,

but as it now stands with me, I cannot.

Job speaks these words and yet today I can say that God answered this prayer, not just for Job but for all mankind. God sent Jesus the one who can and does arbitrate between God and us. Jesus is the one who gives us the freedom to speak up to God without fear. In fact, we are given in Christ the privilege to cry out Father to the God of the universe. 

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Luke 13

 The sadness for those who should have known and should have accepted but did not. Jesus speaks of the people who are there seeing the things he does and yet choose not to accept him. I sense a sadness in Jesus' words. He didn't want the people to reject him. He didn't want the people of Jerusalem to face destruction but their rejection of Him left them to go down a path that would lead to their destruction. 

The danger isn't just for the people of that time but also for the societies of today which have had the good news of the gospel and yet chose to reject it. If you reject long enough disaster comes. 

This being said Jesus also made it clear that the kingdom of God would grow and spread (verses 18-21). 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Psalm 11

 Looking at verse three the psalmist's advisor seems to be asking what can you do when the foundations (moral and spiritual basis of society) have fallen? The advisor is saying again to David, get out of here while the getting is good. It's dangerous out there and you can't fix it.

This call of the advisor to run away, and keep yourself safe is probably meant in the best motive. It may be given to David by a friend who loves David. For me, it is the cry coming from in me. It's dangerous, keep safe, don't risk it. Most of the time, I don't have trouble saying, I'm going to trust God and keep going, but there are times it isn't easy. As I write this today, it is one of those days when running to the wilderness and fleeing sounds really, really appealing. It might have to do with my concerns or my lack of sleep, but it is there. 

I share this not to get sympathy (but if you want to buy me a week's vacation I'll take it), but to let others know they are not alone. Others struggle and question and I'm one of them who asks, is it time to quit. It isn't for me. I don't have the answer to the question what do we do when the foundations fall. I know this, God is faithful and he will lead us. We may not see revival, we may see chaos and death but God is greater than all of this. God will make it all right and because of that, I want to be faithful in what I have been given. Yes, I will take time off, I will do what I should to take a sabbath and rest, but I will not retreat from what God has called me to do. 

Come join me, let's keep moving forward in the mission God has given us. "Once more unto the breach...*"   

Photo by Jordy Meow on Unsplash

*Henry V Act 3 Scene 1

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Genesis 29

 Here I do want to look at the dysfunction in the relationship between Rachel and Leah. One might think if you only look at what is happening in this chapter that God isn't being fair. However, when we look further in the story it appears that the relationship between these two sisters is very adversarial. We could try and rationalize it but God knew that the situation wasn't right. God therefore chose to step in and it isn't until much later that we see He allows Rachel to have a child. What follows in the meantime is two sisters trying to one-up each other and Jacob never trying to make peace between them.  

Monday, March 25, 2024

Genesis 28

 What gets my attention here is Isaac's blessing on Jacob after being deceived by him. Most of us might be tempted to say something mean or to withhold any further blessing. Isaac takes it for granted as it were that Jacob is to be the blessed one and continues to bless him. This is a great example for us that there are times to move on and accept that things are not as we had planned. It is in these moments where we can demonstrate real character. Someone else got the promotion, your child was cut from the play to give someone else the role, and your plan for the church was voted down, in all of these we could become bitter but a mature person moves past it and becomes better. 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Isaiah 13

In this chapter, there is a prophecy that no Arab (NIV) will pitch his tent in what was the city of Babylon. One would think that this certainly couldn't hold for long, but sure enough, the city of Babylon has been considered by people of that region as a cursed land, and thus people will not live there, even millenniums later. God's word stands true. 

Friday, March 22, 2024

Job 8

Not happening in this chapter...


I mentioned when talking about this chapter before that everything Bildad says is true. I have to qualify that statement. Verses two and four wouldn't fall into the category of true but not for this situation. In verse two Bildad says basically that Job is full of "hot air." He is saying that Job's words are useless. Then in verse four, Bildad says to Job that his kids deserved to die. Ouch! Even if this was true, and we don't know about their lives, it is cruel to say this to a grieving parent. In the New Testament, Paul would admonish us to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). These words are not that. 

Here are examples of what not to do in comforting the grieving.  

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Luke 12

I was reading some of the work of Cyprian, a third-century bishop and martyr, "If he crowns the faith that has conquered, he must punish the treachery that has been conquered.*" We wish sometimes this wasn't the case and that God/Jesus would reward those who are good and overlook those who aren't but justice doesn't work that way. You can't truly be just if you only deal with one side of the equation. To be truly just God has to both reward and punish. The beauty of God is that he has given us a way to accept the work of Christ so that we don't have to face His eternal justice as Christ has already taken it. 

*Ancient Christian Commentary on  Scripture, edited by A.A. Just Jr., Intervarsity Press 2003

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Psalm 10

 What is the wicked man like? This Psalm looks at that and is a prayer that God will deal with those who do evil and even those who do it when people don't see it. When he concludes this psalm he gives a reason he wants God to be seen making things right, it is so that men will stop doing what is wrong (verse 18).

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Genesis 27


Two brothers and two lies are found in this chapter. In verse twenty, Jacob lies and says God has given him success in hunting and it was his mother who hatched this plan to deceive Issac and it had nothing to do with God's plan. Esau isn't going to receive praise either as he says that Jacob has deceived him twice when the truth is he despised his birthright and sold it and here it was Issac that was deceived not him. 

Both brothers are looking to say it wasn't their fault for what has taken place. Esau was right about there being deception the second time but was wrong that he was the one deceived. Esau was just lied outright about losing his birthright because of deception. Both brothers are seen here as being very human. Both actions are seen lived out today in the world around us. The good news is that Jesus can change us and keep us from following in either of these two brothers' shadows. 

Monday, March 18, 2024

Genesis 26

 For Abraham, the two big commands were to leave your father's country and to offer Issac to the Lord. We see here the big command for Issac was to stay in the land even when there was a famine. On this Issac obeyed and God blessed him. 

On the other hand, Issac fell into the same error as his father and lied about his wife to save his own skin. Here as with Abraham, both were chastised by pagan kings, though thankfully, Issac didn't have the disgrace of having his wife almost married to a king. 

It's amazing how often the sins of the fathers are repeated by the children. This doesn't have to be the case, but the effect of the lives of parents even without intention affects the children. Let's live our lives wisely so that we don't pass on to our children the sins of our fathers and mothers.   

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Isaiah 12

 I mentioned in another entry that the song of praise written in this chapter could be sung now by believers and it could. However, there is coming a day when a song of praise will be sung all over the earth. It will be when Jesus returns and makes all things right. What a day that will be! 

We can draw water (that which brings life) from the wells of salvation. The interesting thing about a well is the water is there if you are willing to draw it. Today, what we really need for life is there for us if we are willing to accept it from Jesus. 

Friday, March 15, 2024

Job 7

This chapter reminds me of the words of Ecclesiastes that life is but a breath and soon gone. Job does ask why is God interested in man (verse 17). When all you see is the bad in life it is easy to understand the logic of Job. Job wonders why if he had sinned God had not forgiven him and since he didn't believe he did why God was targeting him for so much trouble. Seeing where Job is at and having felt, at times, deserted by God I can understand what he is feeling. Job isn't rebelling against God, but he seems discouraged and disillusioned. These feelings are very human and very understandable. How do we handle them? Focusing on God and listening to him. How do we help someone in this place? Clearly not the way his "comforters" did. 

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Luke 11

 There is a lot in this chapter but what hit me today was the teacher of the law who said, "What you say insults us too" (verse 45). When I read that I wondered at the old saying, "If the shoe fits wear it." Perhaps the reason it insulted them is because it should have? This person might have not been as bad as some of the others but if what Jesus said felt like it was true then maybe it should insult or at least convict him. Jesus of course went on and pointed out some of the ways the experts in the law didn't help the people around them. 

Was this Jesus being mean? Some seem to think Jesus was letting them have it, but I don't believe it. Jesus was trying to point out their issues so they could do right. The problem was most of the religious experts thought they were right and didn't need help. However, Jesus was being harsh, I believe, because they wouldn't have heard the truth any other way. Fortunately, some did and changed, others, the majority didn't and looked for ways to discredit Jesus. 

Why discredit Jesus? If they discredited him they could dismiss his word and then they could return to feeling self-righteous. They could throw out the mirror Jesus held up to their souls. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Psalms 9

 This psalm of David praises God for his deliverance from the enemies he has faced and looks forward to the time that God will deal with those enemies who remain. The final verse to me was not just a prayer
that David's enemies would remember that they are men/mortal but it was a reminder to me that I am just mortal. I have to trust in God who is more. Those who don't realize this can never receive help from God. So when I pray this verse I pray not for others to be humiliated but for them to realize they need God and hopefully, they will call out to him.  

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Genesis 25

 Abraham took another wife. I was reading Charles Swindoll's book on Abraham and I appreciated his thought on this part of Abraham's life. First, he was able to find love again. Second was that this time when he sent these sons away he made sure to be generous with them. How much of his sending Hagar away with nothing was his doing and how much was the influence of Sarah who said that Ismael should get nothing of Issac's, we don't know. However, what we see here is that Abraham did right this time. Why did he send them away? My thought is because he knew that Issac's descendants would inherit the land they were in and by sending them away he could try to ensure that future generations of his descendants wouldn't be in conflict. Whatever the reason Abraham did better
this time. 

Genesis 24

Here again, we see the bigotry of the Bible? That is what some would like us to believe. It has been argued that the refusal to allow intermarriage was a matter of racism and though I am sure there was some of that in some people the real reason it was looked down on was religion and not race. When you read the Bible without a predetermined decision you will see marriage between races and different people groups happening all the time and with God's blessing or at least without his disapproval. When it comes to marriage to someone of a different religion God is very clear, don't do it (2 Corinthians 6:14, Ezra 9:2, Exodus 34:16). The Bible speaks that the peoples of the land had not gotten to the place where God would judge them but they were heading that way. Abraham didn't want Issac to be influenced by it. 

So why say the Bible is full of bigotry? My thought is that when you label something as bad, you justify ignoring all of it. Most people want permission to ignore what the Bible says because it will expose the truth about you and what you cling to. 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Isaiah 11

 "There'll be no sorrows there

No more burdens to bearNo more sickness and no more painNo more parting over thereBut forever I will beWith the one who died for me

What a day, glorious day that will be"

This song by Jim Hill flowed into my mind as I read this chapter. Jesus has started the work of changing and preparing his people. Showing mercy to the poor and weak and strengthening those who are downtrodden. However, there is coming a day when Jesus will finish the work. What a day that will be. Until then we have hope and something to work toward.  

Friday, March 8, 2024

Job 6

In the beginning of Job chapter six, Job asks if livestock complain when there is plenty of food? The answer is no. Job is saying that what he is complaining about isn't from a place of plenty and safety but a place of real pain. There are many times when a person's problems are deep and emotional and it feels that others don't appreciate it. Job's friends have seen the pain and sat with him for six days but now they are trying to give their answers from their knowledge of what Job needs to do. Job as I see it is saying, I've got real problems and you don't seem to get it. If this is Job's thought, I think he is wrong, they do see the real problem, their issue is they haven't asked God what to do but are trying to fix the problem they think is there. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Luke 10

"Go and do likewise." These word of Jesus ends his teaching on the Good Samaritan. However, I have noticed that in today's world, many people are good about telling others they need to go and do likewise (help those in need) but don't do it themselves or do it for everyone to see which according to Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount is equally as worthless (Matthew 6:1-4). When it comes to helping those in need what we see in this parable is helping those who cross our path and can help. It's not about being seen or looking for those in need but those who come across our path. Some will and it is up to us as Christians to help those with real needs and not to judge how others do it.  

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Proverbs 2

Do you want to know what is good, right, fair, and just? The answer is given in the first part of Proverbs 2 and it is filling ourselves with God's wisdom and His law. Seems simple and in one sense it is, but unfortunately it is easy to allow ourselves to be filled with all the things that go on around us. It's easy to be filled with anger, filled with pride, lust, and everything else that fills this world. The problem is it won't give us insight into what is right and just, let alone what is good and right. But when we fill ourselves with the one who is good, just, fair, and right, then that is what will come out of us. 

Genesis 23

 I just finished Charles Swindoll's book about Abraham. I was reminded of something that changed how I look at this chapter. First was the reminder that Abraham was a wonder in this land. He was a great prince as it were but had no land to call his own. Second was the possible reason Abraham didn't want to bury Sara in someone else's tomb. The people of that time believed that if you were buried together you would spend the afterlife together. Abraham probably didn't want his family to be associated with the pagan life and practices of the people of the land, not even in death. To say it another way, Abraham didn't want anyone to think he wanted his wife in Vahalla but in heaven with his God. 

Monday, March 4, 2024

Genesis 22

 This passage of Scripture seems most contrary to the character of God. God tells Abraham to offer up Isaac as a sacrifice. It also seems that God rewards Abraham for almost killing his child so what is this?

To understand this scripture one needs a little history in the Hebrew language. The word God uses when he tells Abraham to offer us Isaac is not a burnt offering but a raised offering. A raised offering was usually burnt so the essences of the sacrifice raised as it were to the heavens. However, most Hebrew rabbis believe that Abraham misunderstood God's command and interpreted it in light of the culture that was surrounding him. In a sense, Abraham had the right attitude but was doing the wrong thing. 

We see how this can be true by reading in Jeremiah 19:5 "They have built the high places of Baal to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal—something I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind." God said it never entered my mind that you should kill your kids and that also applies to Abraham. One may ask why did God allow it to go on so long? I don't have the answer but what we know is God didn't allow the sacrifice and also by doing so tried to teach, according to the Rabbis, that human sacrifice was something God NEVER wanted. 

How does this apply to us today? Make sure we don't live out what we think is a command of God if it doesn't match the character of God. Sometimes this means there are things we don't understand at the time but if we ask God and keep studying his word he will lead us into the truth. 

Friday, March 1, 2024

Isaiah 10

 God has said before that he was using the Assyrians to punish the nations but the problem was that Assyria itself wasn't a Godly nation and thus because of its cruelty, God was going to judge them as well. This is another reminder that even if it seems that God is on your side if you aren't following Him and His principles then judgment will fall on you as well. One day, if not in this life then in the world to come God will, as it were, balance all the books, even the ones you try to hide. 

Photo by Piret Ilver on Unsplash

Job 5

 Eliphaz again is saying that Job deserves what is happening to him and thus has no one he can call on for relief or answers. In one sense, this is absolutely true. If God had ordained this as a punishment there isn't anyone whose position can argue against it. The problem of course is that though this is true as I have said before this isn't 100% true for Job. Job was innocent and God wasn't punishing Job. God was allowing Job to be tested. We will see later that God does come and answer Job, but not in the way Job expected and absolutely not the way Eliphaz expected. 

As we will see over and over, Job's friends thought they understood everything, but they didn't. Let's learn from this and not assume we have everything figured out on our own.