Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Psalm 11

 Looking at verse three the psalmist's advisor seems to be asking what can you do when the foundations (moral and spiritual basis of society) have fallen? The advisor is saying again to David, get out of here while the getting is good. It's dangerous out there and you can't fix it.

This call of the advisor to run away, and keep yourself safe is probably meant in the best motive. It may be given to David by a friend who loves David. For me, it is the cry coming from in me. It's dangerous, keep safe, don't risk it. Most of the time, I don't have trouble saying, I'm going to trust God and keep going, but there are times it isn't easy. As I write this today, it is one of those days when running to the wilderness and fleeing sounds really, really appealing. It might have to do with my concerns or my lack of sleep, but it is there. 

I share this not to get sympathy (but if you want to buy me a week's vacation I'll take it), but to let others know they are not alone. Others struggle and question and I'm one of them who asks, is it time to quit. It isn't for me. I don't have the answer to the question what do we do when the foundations fall. I know this, God is faithful and he will lead us. We may not see revival, we may see chaos and death but God is greater than all of this. God will make it all right and because of that, I want to be faithful in what I have been given. Yes, I will take time off, I will do what I should to take a sabbath and rest, but I will not retreat from what God has called me to do. 

Come join me, let's keep moving forward in the mission God has given us. "Once more unto the breach...*"   

Photo by Jordy Meow on Unsplash

*Henry V Act 3 Scene 1

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