Thursday, March 14, 2024

Luke 11

 There is a lot in this chapter but what hit me today was the teacher of the law who said, "What you say insults us too" (verse 45). When I read that I wondered at the old saying, "If the shoe fits wear it." Perhaps the reason it insulted them is because it should have? This person might have not been as bad as some of the others but if what Jesus said felt like it was true then maybe it should insult or at least convict him. Jesus of course went on and pointed out some of the ways the experts in the law didn't help the people around them. 

Was this Jesus being mean? Some seem to think Jesus was letting them have it, but I don't believe it. Jesus was trying to point out their issues so they could do right. The problem was most of the religious experts thought they were right and didn't need help. However, Jesus was being harsh, I believe, because they wouldn't have heard the truth any other way. Fortunately, some did and changed, others, the majority didn't and looked for ways to discredit Jesus. 

Why discredit Jesus? If they discredited him they could dismiss his word and then they could return to feeling self-righteous. They could throw out the mirror Jesus held up to their souls. 

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