Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Genesis 24

Here again, we see the bigotry of the Bible? That is what some would like us to believe. It has been argued that the refusal to allow intermarriage was a matter of racism and though I am sure there was some of that in some people the real reason it was looked down on was religion and not race. When you read the Bible without a predetermined decision you will see marriage between races and different people groups happening all the time and with God's blessing or at least without his disapproval. When it comes to marriage to someone of a different religion God is very clear, don't do it (2 Corinthians 6:14, Ezra 9:2, Exodus 34:16). The Bible speaks that the peoples of the land had not gotten to the place where God would judge them but they were heading that way. Abraham didn't want Issac to be influenced by it. 

So why say the Bible is full of bigotry? My thought is that when you label something as bad, you justify ignoring all of it. Most people want permission to ignore what the Bible says because it will expose the truth about you and what you cling to. 

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