This might seem to be a strange thing to point out but here at this time, Israel got it right. They did just as God had commanded. Each group settled under the standard and with their clan and family. This was not just a way of setting up tents but each group sitting under the authority that God had given them and in this world and at this time it was under the directions of their clans and their clan leaders. This was an organization of how things were to be settled in disputes. It let everyone know they had a group they were both responsible for but also under the authority of.
When we come into the New Testament, the first authority is Jesus and His word, followed by those set in our midst by God to lead us. I fear that the ideas of the protestant reformation taken to an extreme and the secular idea that we are our own boss is in the church today. We don't like the idea of submission or listening. We cringe at the Church Fathers when they say we need to submit to the Bishop. We rebel when a pastor preaches parts of the Bible we don't like. Why do we do this? Because we aren't willing to be under authority and we want to be our own judge as to what is right and wrong.
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