Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Psalms 46

Look to the East!

 I'm a fan of Lord of the Rings both the books and the movies (We don't talk about the Hobbit movie). Yes, there is a lot of violence but the themes are strong. Now what could that have to do with this passage?  Verse five speaks of God coming to help at the break of day. There is a scene in the Two Towers at the battle of Helm's Deep where it looks like all is over. Yet, They choose to ride out to meet the enemy they can not defeat and yet, they remember that Gandalf promised he would be there on that day at the break of day. The scene is epic and to me a great reminder that God comes at the right time to deliver. 

For the Christian, there is hope even if we do die as life for us doesn't end in death. So even in defeat for the Christian, there is no defeat. 

Here is a YouTube link to that scene (for as long as it lasts,) 

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