Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Proverbs 11

 Here is a challenge for next month or maybe some other time. There are 31 verses in this chapter. Take one a day for a month and ponder the one corresponding to that day or maybe write down what they are teaching you. 

Here is my day one.

1. "The LORD detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with him."

Since I don't have a business where I measure out product, I could say this doesn't apply to me. That is wrong. I do work for people the people of my church. Thankfully, they expect me to give of my time to do the work of a pastor. There may be some who look at that work differently than I do but I have to give an honest return for what they give me to the best of my ability.  Just to look at my work currently at Selma Christ, I am just over halftime which means I need to give at least 22-28 hours towards ministry work each week. I won't break that down here but if I was doing this for myself (and I have) I would start by tracking what I'm doing and where I'm putting my time. This is especially important since I don't have a time clock. The question is am I earning my wage or am I stealing. To those of you who do have time clocks, a reminder, just because you're on the clock doesn't mean you're working. 

Why is this important? It ensures that I am not cheating people and, more importantly, that I am pleasing God. 

Photo by Manasvita S on Unsplash

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