No long speeches or talks about giving. I have a few free codes for the audio version of Impossible to Forgive. If you would like one just ask. First come first serve. I only ask you to listen to it.
I share my personal thoughts and insights as a pastor, father, husband, friend, author, and (at Christmas time) Santa. I talk a lot about forgiveness because learning to forgive isn't easy.
No long speeches or talks about giving. I have a few free codes for the audio version of Impossible to Forgive. If you would like one just ask. First come first serve. I only ask you to listen to it.
There are times I wonder what the next project I ought to work on should be. I know there are some stories I need to finish but what about something bigger. When you've blogged every chapter in the Bible and created 8 journals out of it for people to follow along with it does make you wonder, What could it be?
The problem is that I do not have a host of people nor a publisher with big bucks encouraging me. So I could ask why try to do something else? What I have however is the knowledge that each of us should use the talents we have to the best of our abilities, even and I might say, especially when no one is watching and maybe even when no one seems to care.
I won't lay out what I might be doing but I challenge you to rise to the best you can do. If no one notices remember God does. I can't say it will be easy or that it will always feel worth it (it doesn't), but regret is something I can guarantee if you don't try.
So Go For it!
Now if you accept this challenge leave a message in the reply. You don't have to say what it is just that you are going to accept the challenge to stretch yourself and do something big.
The Apostle Paul said in Romans to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. I was reminded today again there are times when the words are hollow and can even be detrimental. Sometimes speaking the truth in love means not speaking and just showing truth by loving. Especially when people are facing death or the loss of a loved one.
Words are powerful so I am reminded that often the right thing to do is not to use them. Yes, the person may be okay eventually and God will work it for good. However, it isn't good now and they aren't okay right now. The words though true at the wrong time hurt. So for all of us silent love is the best.
Chapter 3
Teia felt dazed but thought she heard something but the words didn’t make any sense. As she opened her eyes she saw that she was on the floor. Her dad lay beside her and something or someone moved away. She couldn’t be sure. What happened around her was a blur. As she moved to one side and lean on her arm toward her dad the only thing that filled her vision was her dad laying on his back with one arm twisted at an unnatural angle. She took in a deep breath knowing that her dad was hurt. Then the sound of voices filled the hallway.
Treasa was there and several others she recognized. One of the new guards she didn’t remember his name took one hand and laid it against her head and the other behind her and gently laid her back down. The voice telling her to “Lay still. Just don’t move filled her ears.”
People came and moved her and her dad to the medical room where they were checked out. Her dad had recovered awareness halfway to the medical wing and after a few confusing words were asking questions and trying to get up.
Teia remembered the Doc Tock telling him to stay still. When he still tried to move the doctor grabbed his arm and gave it a little twist. This action brought forth a bloodcurdling scream from the man Teia had thought was invulnerable. Teia had heard people scream in pain before her mother was a doctor, but this scared her. The action however convinced her dad he had to cooperate.
A couple of minutes later when they set the arm, Teia watched as her dad managed to control screaming a second time by biting down on a bit of leather, from his armor. Other people had been injured and Adam wanted to leave to make room for others. Doc Tock had other plans and convinced them to stay close by.
As he explained it, “This way I can make sure you two are not injured in ways I could not see. Besides,” he winked at them. “My colleague, you know the other doctor I work with, might get upset if I let something happen to you. I hear she like you two.” Doc Tock smiled and waved his finger at Adam and then at Teia.
Teia smiled back. Since her mom was the other doctor. Her dad nodded back at the doctor and lay back down. Eventually, they did move to the side of the room so they would not get in the way of new patients coming in. They found a couple of cots off to the side and after a drink from one of the assistants, Teia found herself fast asleep.
Chapter 2
The man who called himself Stone, heard the voice of the
dwarven girl running yelling as she ran down the hall. He moved himself into
the shadows behind a column and let the screaming brat pass by. If a person had
spotted his cloaked and hooded presence, they would have thought he looked like
a monk or a wizard. He, however, did have to cast a spell or use any magic
other than a natural ability to be overlooked. His mentor had told him that his
ordinary appearance and the tendency of others to just ignore him was his
greatest gift. He had not believed it at the time but found out that it
was true. Secrets were told in his presence. Hidden plans were discussed that
if the planners had realized he was there would have remained silent. Even now,
a panicked girl who would have drug him someplace to help someone completely
overlooked him.
“Oh, pu.” Stone rebuked himself. I can not allow that to
happen again. HE had enough self-realization to know that his own mind, his
own internal dialogue could be his greatest enemy. I have no idea what that
girl was going on about. He had felt the quake and the sound of the tornado
outside. This was probably what the stupid little thing was going on about. He
was not concerned. This castle could withstand almost anything.
Just in case, he moved with a little more speed than the
slow steady pace he usually demonstrated. He was certain if the time was right,
he could move faster but he had been warned that to appeared hurried is to
appear less in control. People did not trust people who had no control, so he
walked at a slow steady pace most everywhere he went. Now his walking speed was no faster than the
walk of most people on their way to a casual meeting. Even when he saw the
prone figures laying on the floor at the bottom of the circular stairwell he
did not speed up. Whoever it was would be alive or would not? The debris
surrounding them was not great. He cataloged what he saw. Part of the roof
tiling, some of the light transfer cable, a light-capturing roof tile, odd and
end filler materials, and oh yes, two bodies a child and a palace guard which
he had first noted.
“Oh, my Stevens” Stone whispered through a twisted smile,
“You have hurt yourself.”
He reached down and placed his hand on Adam Stevens's side and
turned him over. The child he was holding protectively rolled out of his arms
away from Stone. He gave the girl one quick glance and seeing she was not
responding laid his hand on Adam’s chest.
“Bother,” Stone whispered, “Barbarians, mechanical monsters,
giants, and now a tornado. What does it to kill you?”
Stone glanced around and they moved his hand from Adam Stevens’
Chest to his mouth and nose. As his hand began to close a sound was coming up
the hall.
“Your luck can’t last forever” The words were no more than
a whisper but anyone who heard them would have thought they were spat out as if
they had just tasted spoiled milk.
No one heard the words. As he moved now more quickly than he
had in years, a smile crossed his face. No one would know he was ever there. At
least that is what he thought.
Teia and the Dragon
(A unedited work)
Teia and the Dragon
Fifty-two years before the world changed. In this “Time
Before” technology reigned over much of the world. Communication and knowledge
were easy that many forgot how to survive without it. One day all technology
ceased to function. Electricity no longer followed the rules man understood. Knowledge
was no longer accessible for most. Governments fell and civilization collapsed.
No one knew what had caused the change. least, no one admitted to knowing.
Chaos reigned for years, small groups who were better
prepared than others survived. The world turned into producers and builders and
into takers. The producers and builders tried to build a new society. The
takers took from anyone and everyone. The builders and producers who could
defend themselves survived and the takes eventually ran out of people to take
from. At least that is our hope.
One group had an advantage, hidden away from society a
retreat had been built, a castle unlike any other. Those who lived there right
after the change believed it was built as if someone knew what was to come.
Though they tried no one was able to ask the man who ordered it built if this
was so. This group lead by the Stevens family renamed the refuge, New Hope.
They reached out to all who were willing and began to build a better world.
However, not everyone wants a better world. For some, if
they can not rule it they would rather see it destroyed.
Chapter 1
“I’ve never seen a storm this bad”
Teia took her eyes away from the window and looked over at
her new friend, Treasa. “Did you see a lot of bad storms in your old village?”
Teia was curious. Treasa and her hit it off the first time they meet a couple
of months back when Treasa’s entire village of dwarves moved to the outskirts
of New Hope Castle’s governing area.
Teia tried not to smile when she thought of the dwarves.
They really were not dwarves out of the old stories her dad had read to her
when she was a child, but humans who had been altered by something in the air
and soil. The average dwarf was shorter than her four-foot five height and
Treasa was not an exception. Treasa was taller than Kevin who sat on the floor
by the edge of the window staring back into the room. Teia tried to ignore him
with his arms crossed, face tense and bottom lip sticking so far out Teia
thought she could sit a pencil on it and it would stay.
The light in the room intensified than dropped back to the
normal soft glow that lasted well after dark in the castle. Not a second later the boom of thunder filled
the room.
“I think I felt that.” Treasa quivered out now looking at
Teia, then she whispered back, “we nev’r had a window to look out of during
storms but I don’t think so.”
The lights of the room began to pulsate again. This Teia knew was because each time lightening flashed and rolled outside the collectors on the roof sent the light into the castle. Many people found the light show fun. The flashing and flicker balls of lightning bounced across the sky like a balloon or flew like they were thrown by some giant hand. The flashes created by the lightning caused everyone to move in a room to appear as if they were moving in a series of short movements.
“and we nev’r had anything like this.” Treasa smiled, waving
her hand as the lights pulsed in response to the near continual flashes of
lightning. Teia when what she meant only those in the castle as far as anyone
knew had this type of conductive lighting.
Teia who had spent the first eight years of her life in a
cottage outside of the castle as was the custom and remembered her first storm
in the castle. The light which seemed to glow from places on the wall and
ceiling being transformed into pulses of bright light in the storm. The sight
filled her with wonder but sent her mother to bed dizzy and nauseous.
“It would be more fun outside” Grumbled Kevin who did not
even lookup.
Teia did not argue with him. They had had this discussion on
their way up here. Treasa and her told him that it would not be safe outside
with this much lightning. Besides both of the girls knew their parents would
be furious if they had tried going outside in a storm like this. Kevin as
always came along anyway but grumbled and pouted. Teia wished he would go hand
out with someone else, but she knew they were the only children his age in the
Teia looked back out the large window. It was a marvel from
the Time Before. Rain, Snow, Ice, and hail could beat on it and nothing would
ever come through. She remembered her grandfather had said they were nearly
“A machine gun couldn’t even put a chip in it.” She
remembered him saying. She knew what a gun was. Her dad had a rifle back in the
cottage to hurt with. She had read about machine guns in books but could not
imagine why anyone would want to shoot at a window with a rifle let along this
gun from the Time Before.
“Look at those clouds,” Treasa said eyes wide.
Teia quit thinking about the glass and looked beyond are the
clouds which could be seen in the lightening’s near continual flashes. The
clouds churned like a pot of soup getting ready to boil over. There was also a
movement in her feet as the castle itself was being swayed by the wind. Teia
thought it must be a trick because she had never felt anything like it before.
“So, this is where you all are hiding. I told your moms I
would find you here.”
Teia and Treasa turned around to find a man of above-average
height and with the muscles of a soldier standing there in the leathers of a palace
guard. Most who left the guard put away the leather and returned to the mixture
of homespun and clothing left over from the Time Before. Teia smile at her dad
who was not like the average man. Adam Stevens though being elevated to the
ruling council and no longer a member of the palace guard still worked closely
with them so refused to set aside the leather clothes and armor which made them
Kevin stood up and before Teia could say anything announced,
“I told them they shouldn’t be here.”
“YES!” Treasa growled pushing Kevin who also stood taller
than her but only by a couple of inches. “You told us that we need to go
Adam Stevens ignored the exchange and looked straight at his
daughter through the pulsating light and said in a voice that did not invite the argument, “Your mother would like you to come downstairs.”
He then looked over at the other two and said, “Your
presence is requested as well.” Teia and her friends looked at each other and
knew this wasn’t a request.”
Adam’s eyes looked straight at Treasa and added in his
normal voice, “your mom has a bad feeling about this storm.”
Teia noticed Treasa’s
eye grow wide and her mouth first drop and then move closed her face taking on
the look of a teacher getting ready to give bad news. She could see Treasa was
about to say something when the wind which was could be heard through the walls
of the castle took on a deeper, rumbling sound. Teia had never heard anything
like it before.
She looked at her dad who just before had a smile on his
face now transformed. He, she reasoned, knew what the sound meant. Before she had
time to think any more about it her dad turned to the side and began waving
them toward the stairs. The words “RUN! NOW!” burst from his mouth but were
being drowned out by the increasing noise.
They ran. Kevin always the fastest way off in a dash and
gone before Treasa and Teia were halfway across the twenty-foot circular room.
Teia held back just a second to allow Treasa to head down first and as she followed;
she felt her dad’s hand pressing on her back.
They were nearly three-quarters of the way down the stairs
when the noise changed. The sound didn’t just fill the air, but she could now
feel it in her feet. She looked back at her dad and yelled, “The castle is
The sound changed again and with it the floor quaked. The
pressure of Adam’s hand on Teia’s back changed as the sound of the noise
changed. Instead of pressing her forward, it pulled her back. Teia found herself
being pulled into her dad’s chest. His head and shoulders surrounding her head.
She could only see his chest and his arms which pulled her tighter. The lights
dimmed and then she could sense them falling. She thought she heard her dad yell
a prayer but was not sure as she felt his weight land on top of her and then
she remembered nothing.
Over twenty years ago I made up a little story for our oldest daughter. I called it Teia and the Dragon. I never completely fleshed it out but gave her the end of the story. For National Novel Writing Month, I decided to get back into it and try to at least get the rough draft finished.
It may never be good enough to publish but I know Teia would be thrilled with it and probably her kids. So if nothing else it will bring them joy and it will be worth the time. Besides finishing the rough draft after all these years will feel like a victory. A victory against the doubt and fear which held me back all those years ago.
All of us have some form of regret, I regretted not doing this years ago. I'm fixing some of that now.
If you have the chance to fix one of your regrets then try. For the rest of this month, I won't be leaving my thought out here. I might throw out a chapter or two of the book but for now, I have an old regret to bury.
Leave a word of encouragement for me will you, or better yet bury one of your regrets and tell me about it.
Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash
What are we going to do if he wins?
Keep living!
This is America. We have had all kinds of leaders and what is certain is things change. Yes, a group may have power for a number of years but that can and does change. Before the 1980s the one place that everyone thought was a lock was the House of Representatives since the great depression, democrats were going to hold it. For those who are around now, we know that isn't the case anymore.
I have lived long enough to see leaders come and go. Most no, ALL of them since, Carter were said by someone or a lot of someones that they were going to destroy the nation. Interestingly we are still here.
I'm not saying that our votes don't have consequences or that it doesn't matter but I am saying we need not worry. We do need to vote responsibly and not just because one or the other candidate promises to take care of us. Let's be honest this is how most vote though they like to quote good causes, often it's about us being better off. Really we need to look at what is best for the nation, not just us.
Enough on responsible voting, what I want to say is we do not have to panic. Besides, panic isn't going to help us. protesting about the results isn't. What is going to help is us doing what is right and living right. For me I know God is still going to win in my heart and that is what ultimately counts.
In last week's Bible Reflections, I talked about David writing and singing songs in the dark places of his life. It was a good reminder to me that we need to be praising God no matter where we are at.
It was also a reminder that even though we know something (or wrote it in this case), we need to be reminded about them. A preacher once said that yesterday's strength won't help you with today's problems. For some of us, we really do need to read our own stuff.
Currently, I don't know when the repercussion of Covid in ministry is going to be finished, when my wife's health is going to be under control, or what direction I need to take in my writing. No, I don't have a mad king trying to kill me and I'm not hiding with the enemy of my people, but I do have uncertainty and that works like cancer to weaken. This devotion reminds me to keep praising God.
Back from my time of retreat and I'm ready to go!
Okay maybe?.
Yes, I was refreshed but as I have found too often that time away doesn't take the problems away. The problems are still there but the hope is that you have allowed yourself a break so now you can continue.
What I have to remember is finding times of rest isn't just a week here or a week there a couple times a year. I have to remember to get rest every day (this is called sleep) and time off every week as the Bible recommends (actually commanded in the Old Testament). This is the maintenance that we all need.
There are times we need to recharge and refresh. For the next couple of weeks, that is what I will be doing. It is long past due, but I'm taking it. The question for you is are you taking the time off you need? If you don't your mind and body will shut you down. Your family and friends not to mention your work will suffer.
God gave man sabbath because we need it. It doesn't have to be a Sunday or a Saturday now under Christ, but we still need times to recharge. Jesus took time away and I know you and I aren't better than He is.
See you later.
All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do
This is a question we must ask is, but also what are we to do. Often if we
do have these thoughts, we can get bogged down with what options we should
follow. With so many good things that need doing in the world, we can get
overwhelmed and end up doing nothing.
Recently, I was asked if I would consider running for political
office. The person reminded me that Christian men and women are often leery to
enter this arena, but if true people of true Christian conviction don’t run who
will. I couldn’t argue, too often the extremes are willing to run (on both
sides). The people who are willing to work out issues don’t want to run unless
things have gotten unbelievably bad.
Side Note: There are a lot of areas of concern which don’t
cross moral lines but only people who don’t care who gets the credits can work
in those areas. These would be people who are humble, and those people usually don’t
run for office.
There is the thought that ministers shouldn’t be involved in
politics, but if his ministerial position isn’t full time, what is the
difference between being a part-time public servant or part-time insurance or
used car salesperson? I don’t honestly believe there is. These positions can be
honorable and offer a public service. These positions can be reprehensible and,
I’ll use the word that comes to my mind, these jobs can be filthy. The difference
is how they are done and what the motives are by the people who are in them.
You might argue to get elected you will have to compromise
your Christian principles? But to return to my illustration, for a person to be
a successful salesperson one could argue you have to lay aside some of your
Christian principles. This is a weak argument though a valid concern.
You could argue a Christian running for office gives the
church a bad reputation. Again, if they are doing it in an honest way, why? People are going to say bad things about Christians,
the Bible promised it. The key is to not do anything to deserve it.
One could argue an honest person can’t really get elected. To
which I could ask that doesn’t mean one shouldn’t try. How many people in the
past have done what was considered impossible?
So, am I going to run? No. I consider my position as pastor
full time or at least be available to be full time as COVID has shut down part
of my ministry. I am also a writer. I don’t desire another job.
However, do I wish honest Christian people would run? Yes.
? Maybe, my wife should run? …..
This of course isn’t a treatise on the subject. Perhaps it
isn’t something worth putting on my blog, as if some of my other ramblings
needed to be published. I hope that it causes you to think, even disagree.
The problem I thought of is that today we have Tylenol and Advil, not to mention a host of other things to help us forget our pain. We have a struggling marriage but that's okay we have the pain reliever called divorce. We are facing hardship at work or at home but instead of dealing with it, we grab the pain reliever called alcohol. People face trouble in their finances because they don't save, overspend, or both and we have the pain reliever of government bailouts, bankruptcy, and credit cards.
Yes, I realize there are problems we don't cause ourselves and we do need the help of God and others to pull us through. This also isn't an excuse to not reach out in compassion. However, there are times the most compassionate thing we can do is to let someone suffer until they reach out to the one who can help with all our pain, Jesus.
Don't look at others, but look at yourself. Is the pain you are facing a result of something that needs to be attended to by you or by surrendering to God? Then don't try and forget the pain or cover it, deal with it. It's probably time to wake up to the reality God is trying to show us.
I asked God today what is the plan? How do I need to organize my day to be efficient? It was then it hit me what if life wasn't always about planning and efficiency? It was at this moment I remembered that God is so much bigger than we are. He created a world where there are very efficient creatures and some that aren't. There are well planned out people and people who don't plan anything. These people aren't bad (whichever you aren't) they are normal. We need both the planned and the spontaneity for our lives to be their fullest.
I am wondering does God both have a plan and lives in the moments? I believe he does and though those seem completely incompatible maybe they are for us, but God is more than we are.
How does this apply to our lives? Perhaps it is a reminder that we need to find the balance between these two both have a plan but don't be afraid to have spontaneity. Or if you are great at living in the moment maybe you need to start using a plan too. Let's find the balance.
To use another illustration if you're a hammer, remember there are screwdrivers out there too.
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Working Title/Cover for old/new book. |
Well, months later and things are still the same.
Have you ever felt that way? I have lately.
Now I want to point out that it isn't true. We have vastly improved our video for our Sunday services. I was able to finally open a file that has been locked away for 20 years taking a book from an idea to rough draft in an hour (pictured above). I thought I was going to have to rewrite the entire rough draft. School has started again. My daughter finished her teaser book. I finished the rough draft of another story I started over 25 years ago. Do I need to go on?
Things have been happening, yet the return to what was before Covid-19 is nowhere in sight. This above all else is what I believe is fueling this feeling.
For me, to overcome this I am writing down what I am doing each day. I am also writing this, a declaration to myself and both of my followers that things are changing and in some ways getting better.
Is everything lined out and perfect?
No! but let's be honest. They never are. I and I guess you who read this have to remember our feelings can lie to us. Don't let them.
Let's charge forward. (and maybe get back to writing on a blog like I used to?)
Today I begin editing the final book in the Bible Reflection Series. This has been quite a week. Finishing the first draft of a novel that I have been working on and off for over 25 years and now finishing the edits on Bible Reflections. Both of these projects I knew would be possible and do-able but I have been seeing them as off in the distance to see them here and now nearly done is amazing. Especially when I consider Bible Reflections covers my thoughts on every chapter in the Bible (nearly 1200) or the word count for both Bible Reflections and my story add up to nearly 1/3 of a million words.
What will happen now? Now?
I will take the next step and create new goals. Which is what we do if we want to see something accomplished in our lives. So it ends, which means something new can begin.
Do you think you could write your own blog/journal on every chapter in the Bible? This is what the Bible Reflections journal is designed to help you do. If you take on the challenge it might take some time and maybe even years (it's designed to take 4) but what a very do-able and exciting thing to accomplish. Others are, why not you?
And one day you can say, And so it ends!
I agree and I also know that putting what you are passionate about out there takes courage if you care about the work and about your relationship with people.