Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Genesis 40

 Joseph did what was right. As it turned out even in prison God blessed him and put him in charge of other prisoners. When the opportunity came to get help Joseph took it. He knew God was going to raise up the cupbearer and asked him to relay his story to the only person who could have had Joseph released. As we know the cupbearer forgot all about Joseph. However, we don't see Joseph getting angry or upset. We see him continuing to do the right thing. 

To me, this is a reminder that we can do what we know to do to get out of trouble, but at the end of the day, we have to trust God to work out the details. 

Did God want the cupbearer to forget? No, there is nothing to suggest it in the scripture. However, as with many things, God works despite people and in the end, Joseph was exalted to the place God wanted him. 

Photo by Andrey Haimin on Unsplash

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