Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Psalm 18

In Verse 33 says "He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights"(NIV). The verse is borrowed in Habakkuk 3:19. It sounds strange, but it wasn't to the ancient Israelites. The Pulpit Commentary says "The Israelites reckoned swiftness of foot, agility, and endurance among the highest of warlike qualities." Watching a deer run and respond to its environment is amazing. You can understand why this attribute might be considered great among ground troops which was what most of the ancient fighters were. The importance of holding the high ground was and is always important for defense and for attack. So it can be seen why David was pleased that God made him like that. 

When one considers the passage from Habakkuk in this it changes some. In Habakkuk, the people aren't going to see victory but defeat. It is the enemies of Israel who are going to have the victory. However,  Habakkuk says that God will raise him up despite the situation. I mention this here because God's ability to lift us up isn't based on what is normally considered victory but on our relationship with Him. 

Photo by Divide By Zero on Unsplash

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