Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Psalm 16

 This Psalm teaches that God will make our way secure (verse 5) and in him, we can be unshaken (verse 9). There are times in life when the world around us is shaken and our lives don't feel secure. Jesus warned his disciples many times of the trials and persecutions that would come. This doesn't mean we aren't secure. If we stay faithful to God, ultimately we will be found to be secure and unshaken. 

A great example of this is Stephen who though martyred, testified that Jesus was standing beside the Father. My personal opinion is to welcome Stephen into eternity. Was Stephen's world shaken? Yes. Did he appear to be in an insecure place? Yes. However, was he? No, Jesus was with him and though his world may have been rocked (pun intended), he came out secure and unshaken. 

We can be secure and unshaken also when our faith is fully in God.   

Photo by Franck on Unsplash

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