Thursday, June 20, 2024

Acts 1


As I write this I have just started the book Follow the Healer by Stephen Seaman*. In the very beginning, Seaman points out the scripture I had read and I believe preached on before Acts 1:1, but today his words inspired me to write. Seaman pointed out that all the great teachers of the world finished their work or I would add their work is done as they are dead. Jesus' work only began at his death and resurrection. His work continues today in us because He is in us.  We are called to bring the good news, heal the sick, and proclaim deliverance. We are the continuing ministry of the Savior and Healer.  

The question is, of course, Are we following a teacher or a healer? I would say we should be following both. Does this mean miraculous healing? Yes, I think it does, but what is easier healing a body or healing the soul? I think Jesus hinted that the body is easy (Matthew 9:5), which is why perhaps we don't see as many physical healings, but that is a different subject. What I will say is that we are called to bring the entire ministry of Jesus to the world. A ministry of transformations spiritual, mental, and physical. 

*I can't say at this point whether I will agree in part or entirely with his ideas. I suspect I will agree mostly with them. However,  this is my disclaimer. 

Photo by Walter Otto on Unsplash

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