Saturday, June 22, 2024

Isaiah 26

 I have heard it said by someone about their family and others about their employer that they "know where the bodies are buried." Hopefully, the people I was hearing were speaking metaphorically but originally it wasn't that way. A person would have an understood agreement with a criminal element that if they left them alone then they wouldn't tell the authorities where the bodies of the victims were hidden. The thing about it is the earth is normally really good about hiding bodies. I won't go into detail but usually, someone buried isn't going to be seen again. However, there is coming a day when according to the last verse of chapter 26 that won't be the case. There is coming a day when God judges the world that all the bodies are going to be found. The earth, nor anywhere else, will keep the truth from being discovered. 

This is a reminder that though we have never killed a person and hid a body, that no sin will be hidden from God. The solution therefore is to lay it before God and ask for mercy because it's better than way. Like my mom used to say, it's better for you to tell me the truth now than for me to find out the truth later. Mom typically did but not always. God always will find out, because it was never hidden from him in the first place. 

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