Saturday, June 8, 2024

Isaiah 24


I'm not about to deny the devastation that is prophesied here. God will bring on what will seem to us as destruction. However, if you have ever watched a remodeling show on TV or done some of the work yourselves, you know that even in trying to save the good it looks like you are destroying everything. 

However, just because this utter destruction seems to come, there is no reason for us as Christians to add to that destruction. I'm not utterly convinced that the ideas put forth by some environmentalists are even close to accurate, but what I do see in Scripture is a call to be responsible for the world God has given us. We can't add to the problem and then say it doesn't matter because it's all going to be destroyed anyway (it isn't but a deeper look is a discussion for another day). Yes, much will be destroyed but even if everything is that doesn't mean that our current level of responsibility is less. We should be responsible for all that we have been given and treat it well even if God is going to destroy it later. We are after all called to be stewards of God's world, not abusers.  

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

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