Thursday, June 6, 2024

Luke 23


We are Barabbas. No, not literally, but in a way since we who deserve death have been given life for Jesus takes our place. One can only wonder what Barabbas did with his life. I haven't done historical research to see what traditions say, but for this article that is a good thing. Having a question is what we need because we have to face the decision as to what we will do now that Jesus has taken our place. We can choose to go back to the way things were before, they didn't end well, or we can choose to walk a different route. 

I have chosen to walk a different way, but the thing that surprises me is how often I'm offered if not the old way but ways that are just as destructive. However, when the challenges come I return to the realization of Peter when he was asked by Jesus if the disciples would leave, "Where can we go? You alone have the words of eternal life."

Photo by Sven Pieren on Unsplash

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