Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Exodus 11

In the middle of God's preparation for the final league and the Passover preparations that will be associated with it, there are a couple of lines where we are shown how God has elevated the people of Israel and Moses. Yes, Pharaoh is fed up with Moses but the people of Egypt and even Pharoah's advisors have a great respect for Moses. The people are ready so now when the Children of Israel ask to borrow all of their gold and silver articles, they freely give them. 

This has been called the Plundering of Egypt and in one way that is exactly what it will be. After the final plague, the people of Egypt aren't worried about getting anything back they just want Israel gone. God has uniquely made sure that Israel was paid for all their years of slavery. Scripture teaches that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just (Proverbs 13:22 and others), and here we see that promise in action.  

Some may wonder why we don't see God doing that now. My simplified answer is that God isn't ready to take us away. Our sojourn in the Egypt of this world isn't over yet and God's final judgment hasn't fallen. The day will come. It most certainly will. 

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