Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Psalm 24

To the anarchist, every form of order is tyrannical and to be fought against, except one's own. I have read and heard much from people who say that God is a tyrant.  However, I have to wonder if this isn't because they are reading their own heart into the heart of God. History shows us that humanity is rarely fair or just especially when they get power. The same forces that were calling for equality now since they have power demand dominance and exercise the same abuse they claimed (and sometimes correctly) were used against them. To use an illustration from Hunger Games, they have become the capital and now want their own version of it. However, in the Scriptures, God always gave mankind a choice. The key was if you were going to follow Him there were conditions as mentioned in this chapter about having clean hands and pure hearts.  

Yet this scripture points out that God made it all so by all rights it is his. He could use force but rarely does. Oftentimes, the forces he uses are none other than the results of the bad decisions those who reject Him make.  So though some may say God has no right to expect anything from us. At the end of the day what God expects isn't following rules but a choice if we're going to follow Him or ourselves. That's pretty fair considering everything belongs to Him anyway.

As far as anyone who wants to say God throws those in hell who disobey. There is evidence that hell is less a place where God torments us and where we may be our own tormentors. That is for another post.

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