Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Psalm 22


God has done it. This is the resounding victory chant at the end of the chapter. However, it isn't pretty during most of this chapter. The beginning sees the psalmist crying out and in the middle surrounded by enemies. Yet, still, God does his work. This chapter is a picture of Jesus and what I notice is though God does make it all right in the end the method we know God uses goes through death. Jesus was raised from the dead but he still had to face the torture and the grave. God delivered Jesus as he will us but often it is through a door we may not want to face. Ultimately everyone will face death some quietly, some without pain, and others like Jesus in great pain. God's path to victory isn't always, in fact it is rarely, the path we would choose but if God is on our side we will win.

The truth about life is that it is hard for everyone. The pagan, the Christian, and the atheist will all face difficulties and death. The difference for the Christian is that we have hope that God will like he did with Jesus, turn our defeats into victories. For the Christian death isn't the end but only a door to something far better. 

Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

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