Thursday, October 3, 2024

Job 35

 "He (God) does not answer when people cry out because of the arrogance of the wicked. Indeed, God does not listen to their empty plea; the Almighty pays no attention to it." Elihu is pointing out that there are times when God doesn't answer the cries of the oppressed because their hearts are wicked. Though this isn't the case with Job, Elihu is making the point that though there are times when it seems God is allowing the wicked to triumph, but if the other side would gain power they would be just as bad. It's like asking which drug lord we should support in a gang war. Neither because both are just as bad. There are times according to Elihu that God doesn't answer because those crying to him are really just as wicked as the other. We may think that God isn't helping but that is because we can't see into the heart of others. 

To take this on a personal level, I would say there are some fights we just need to stay out of. Unfortunately, we don't. We don't on the personal level and we don't on the national level. Too often, we try to decide who is the "least bad." However, that is like saying would you rather die of a gunshot from a 38 or a 44, when we should say neither. Sometimes the right answer is to not get in the fight. 

Photo by Chris Chow on Unsplash

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