Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Exodus 32

 "It's not my fault." How often do people say that and here Aaron, one of the ones left in charge, is saying it. I appreciate democracy but if you are a leader and the people want something wrong you are not free to give in to their demands. Aaron blamed the people and flat-out lied about where the calf came from. He had shaped it and now he is looking at Moses and claiming it supernaturally came out of the fire. The excuse is laughable but when someone is caught it is amazing the excuses we make. I wish I could say I have never made such lame excuses but I am sure I have thankfully I don't think I have presently, but I'm not looking too deep into my memories, I don't want to feel dumb right now. However, it is predictable. Didn't Adam and Eve first do it? and we have been following their example ever since. 

Maturity comes when we are willing to admit we did wrong. Thankfully, Christ has given His Spirit to those who follow Him and if we let Him then we can have the wisdom and the courage to confess. The great this is when we are willing to confess and repent then God is willing and happy to forgive. 

Photo by MUILLU on Unsplash

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