Sunday, September 29, 2024

Exodus 31


In chapter 20 God begins his discussion with Moses about how Israel is to live by saying that they are to worship him alone and never make another god to worship alongside God. Now we get to the end of God's commands in this section and God ends with the command to Keep the Sabbath. God is so intent on this command that he repeats it 3 times in a very short section (5 verses). There are several reasons God gives Israel to keep the sabbath but the one here is so they will be holy. Why? Because they will be doing what God did.

So what do I see in this beginning and end? The first is not to add any other gods to their lives. They are to trust God alone. On keeping the sabbath they are first trying to look like God but also it is so they won't trust themselves as the source of their provision or make themselves gods. Taking a sabbath takes faith, faith that the work will get done, and that you don't have to keep busy. God begins and ends by telling Israel to look to and live like God.  

Photo by Ana Martin on Unsplash

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